I'm Only Mortal


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    I'm Only Mortal

    I am only mortal can’t you see…
    Nothing but myself to protect me…
    I’m only as strong as my weakest fear…
    I’ve tried to tell you but you didn’t hear…

    I am nothing more or nothing less…
    I never tried to be more or impress….
    I cry with pain as you know…
    And all my weaknesses I did show….

    I never tried to be someone else…
    All that I have shown you was myself…
    I never molded myself to be your dream…
    But in your eyes I am someone else it seems…

    I am only me and nothing more…
    Not some hero from mythical lore…
    No super human strengths do I possess…
    I am mortal and imperfect this I’ve confessed…

    Open your eyes and look at me…
    Open your eyes and you will see…
    See the one standing in front of you…
    No secrets I hold no hidden clue…

    I have opened myself to you like a book…
    I asked you to see and take a look…
    To see the person I’ve shown you to be…
    To see the person that is me…

    I know you think that I run and hide…
    All those times you sat and cried…
    I’ve told about when fears take hold….
    And I know the story is getting old…

    I’ve tried to explain so many times…
    But it seems I was as silent as a mime…
    The words I spoke you did not hear…
    And your eyes did not see the tear…

    I know you think I failed to care…
    That I see this as some playful fare…
    But these complexities that I face…
    Seem to chase me as if in a race…

    They tear at me and rip me apart…
    And confuse my thoughts when they start…
    All I’m asking is hear my plea…
    For I am only mortal can’t you see…

    You tell me that I must overcome…
    To give in then they have won…
    And be strong and face my fear…
    Once again you did not hear…

    These fears they choke me when they come…
    I feel as if I have been struck dumb…
    My heart pounds within my chest…
    My eyes won’t close to give me rest…

    I walk the streets all through the night…
    Hoping the answer will come in sight…
    Nothing I have left unturned…
    Wanting to douse this fear that burns…

    I’m only mortal this I know…
    This to you I’ve tried to show…
    I’ve never pretended with you, you see…
    All I have shown you was the person that is me…

    Poem Comments


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    stellar commented on I'm Only Mortal


    WOw....this poem is so sincere...the sincerity justified its length...Love this one so much

    Lolee commented on I'm Only Mortal


    This was insanely good...but, life is just too short for you to have all this stress. But then maybe it is magnified for the poem...I do that. Whatever, it was great!

    KristyLoren commented on I'm Only Mortal


    How unbelievable, one of the best works I have read in a long time. The rhyme, lyrics and emotions are incredible and raw. You have an amazing talent to the core. Just WOW, this definitely gets my 10. Absolute power in writing!!!!



    again you are too kind..and I appreciate your comment..

    BraveMoon commented on I'm Only Mortal


    . .



    a little speechless and about to run off, bout wanted to give positive feed back somehow, positive, siwu



    .., ?? please explain...

    yayaya commented on I'm Only Mortal


    this is so honest and relateable and real. i love it.



    Thank you very much for your comment, I am pleased you liked it.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Ron’s Poems (18)

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