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    this is only chat, that's all it is...
    nothing you can call real...
    just words emotionless...
    nothing your heart can feel...
    it fills the time between...
    from waking till we sleep...
    where our feelings can't be seen...
    and fears are buried deep...
    its only an e- thing is what you see..
    just something on a screen...
    nothing you can hold nothing that will be..
    nothing but words to be seen....
    but you failed to consider me....
    wo ai ni.....

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    Lolee commented on e-


    Interesting, and cryptic...but what I do comprehend I agree with..."it's only words on a screen." Do me a favor??? Above your poem is an explanation box. P lease explain "wo ai ni. Thanks for a great write.

    BraveMoon commented on e-


    Please, explain wo ai ni... I would understand it

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    Ron’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Sweet Dreams 1
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    Her Embrace 0
    Her Memory 1
    The Demon 0
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    Autumn Sun 1
    e- 2
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    Wo Ai Ni © 3