Autumn Girl


  • Love

    Autumn Girl

    autumn leave come floating down....
    and settle gently upon the ground....
    scattered by the wind they fly...
    far up into the autumn sky...

    feeling the wind on her face...
    her expression shows her grace...
    as she feels the autumn wind...
    a song in her heart she sends...

    her smile reflects her beauty within...
    voice so sweet I stop to listen...
    and as I turn this smile I see...
    she stands in front of me...

    and as the wind sings her song...
    enlightens my heart as I go along...
    this girl of autumn I saw today...
    and like the leaves she went away...

    every time I hear the wind...
    to that thought I will bend...
    there will come another day...
    when she will come and stay...

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    stellar commented on Autumn Girl


    i love the way you write this one....kind of some Wordsworth...simply love it

    Lolee commented on Autumn Girl


    Such a very lovely metaphor, likening fall to a lovely young woman. You have a beautiful way of writing.



    I gave you a TEN so why did your rating drop down to 9.3?

    KristyLoren commented on Autumn Girl


    I can't believe I am the first to read this great piece of art. You made everything about this work clear and oh so gorgeous. I could envision everything to a tee. You have a great talent, I loved it. It's gets my ten!! Not easy to do :)



    thank you for your kind comment, I do appreciate it very much. It is a poem that some have plagerized on the net in the past..I enjoyed writing it and the subject was someone very sweet at one pint in time..again, thank you

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Ron’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
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