

  • Lost Love


    seasons come and seasons go.....

    into my life you came.......

    you settled in so softly you know....

    and I was never the same....

    so quiet you were when you walked in...

    I never knew you were there...

    like when the season begins...

    quietly, without any fanfare....

    the cold days got warm...

    gray turned to blue...

    skies cleared of storms....

    my world changed because of you...

    again the sun did shine ....

    and like your smile....

    chased away winter's time....

    and warmed my life for a while...

    but just like the seasons that come and go..

    you left as quietly as you came.....

    and once again you must know....

    my world will never be the same...

    Poem Comments


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    stellar commented on Seasons


    oh love the effect it leaves on my heart...thanks for sharing

    1990lh commented on Seasons


    aww that was a lil sad but true ppl oand go like seasons very beautiful poem i really enjoyed the read great job it flowed really nicely



    Again, thank you so much for your kind comment, life is made of seasons and can be just as tumoultuous as each..glad you enjoyed the read...

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    Ron’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Sweet Dreams 1
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    Seasons 2
    silence 4
    Her Embrace 0
    Her Memory 1
    The Demon 0
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    Dreams Oft Come 0
    Autumn Sun 1
    e- 2
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    Autumn Girl 4
    Indi Eyes 3
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    the fool... 5
    She Taught me.... © 3
    Wo Ai Ni © 3