Her Embrace


  • Love

    Her Embrace

    when evening comes and all is quiet....

    the day has met its end...

    the sun relinquishes its light so bright...

    my thoughts to you I lend....

    you come to me in evening shade...

    no words do we speak....

    all my worries seem to fade....

    when in your embrace I seek....

    the comfort there in which I find...

    it is nothing shy of bliss....

    you settle softly into my mind....

    and I feel what I miss...

    when in my arms you're not there...

    chaos seems to take control....

    and I sink in a troubled despair....

    as life quietly takes its toll.....

    but when I see you come to me....

    and in your embrace I feel....

    once again my life's in harmony...

    my troubles are no longer real...

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    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    Ron’s Poems (18)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Sweet Dreams 1
    Music 3
    Seasons 2
    silence 4
    Her Embrace 0
    Her Memory 1
    The Demon 0
    Alone 0
    Dreams Oft Come 0
    Autumn Sun 1
    e- 2
    I'm Only Mortal 7
    Autumn Girl 4
    Indi Eyes 3
    Autumn Mist 3
    the fool... 5
    She Taught me.... © 3
    Wo Ai Ni © 3