Pose of Friends


  • Loss
  • ,
  • Sadness

    Poem Commentary

    Too many lost

    Pose of Friends

    I fear the forming of a Pose far off in my head.

    They’re coming for me ,on black demon steeds.

    Ride my old friends.

    Not the living ,just the Dead !

    Each night they gain ground at ghastly pace.

    All too often adding another friends face.

    Time is not fair relevant or not.

    What we are given is what we got.

    No more - no less.



    Some day I will join my friends who have past.

    To ride through the Night in a haunting mass.

    But until I pass from this Earthly Quest.

    And surrender to times true test.

    I will remember at all cost.

    True Friends ,Family.

    True Loves.


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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    RJOBOYLE’s Poems (14)

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