Mountians Ring With Fog


  • Nature

    Poem Commentary

    Spring is Great

    Mountians Ring With Fog

    Mountains ring with fog,

    morning star drowning in purple haze.

    This is spring in the Appalachians.

    A cool breeze saves me

    ends my Hypnotic daze.

    From the ridge where I sit

    I can here a tom.

    Thunder out his gobble

    at the coming dawn.

    Another would answer somewhere far off.

    The Tom would double gobble

    as If to say "enough".

    All of nature in perfect form

    abides to the mighty bird.

    He repeats his lusty gobble

    demanding to be heard.

    The sun begins to light

    the tops of the tallest trees.

    On the side hill below me

    two hen birds begin to feed.

    There are no more gobbles,

    the mountain has become a theater.

    Dogwoods bloom white

    the air thick with cedar.

    Wingtips plow crooked trails

    through last fall’s forgotten splendor.

    Colors pressed flat by winter’s snowy lever.

    Bronze iridescent body,

    patriotic head.

    Blue and white snood above

    waddles below blood red.

    Tail fanned in full display,

    Jake birds respectful

    kept at bay

    Poem Comments


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    CMarsh commented on Mountians Ring With Fog


    Great Job! Love the picture you painted and it's clear you are a lover of nature and all it's beauty.



    nature ROCKS Thanx a lt

    1990lh commented on Mountians Ring With Fog


    very beauitful u made it sound so seren, and beautiful that a sinse on peace falls on me as i read your words great job.



    peace is whats real thanx for the comment

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    RJOBOYLE’s Poems (14)

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    A Fall Morning 1
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    night city lights 0
    sunrirse and time stood still 0
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    Birds#1 0