philjonesin’s Profile

  • Age: 54
  • Location: Longview
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


Hello, My name is Phillip Gregory Inman Sr. I am a twice divorced single father of six great children. Three boys and three girls. I am forty years old. I have been a carpenter, sheetrocker, singer, bouncer, certified nurses aide, security officer and criminal. During my three year stay in the Texas department of criminal justice. I realized that my mother Judith Ann Inman had passed along her dream of being a writer. I dream of being published but will probably never be famous until I die. Ah… such is life. I have only been succesful at a few things , raising hell chief among them. But in spite of my horrible Peter Pan complex I somehow even in the midst of a very crippling addiction to Methamphetamine have  been a decent father and that is a miracle as I come from a very troubled and abusive stepfather. Pain has always been a reality in my life . Not that I am a victim. I have played that role. But today writing is my release . My creativity . My salvation. My only hope is that my experiences however painful for me can somehow release or ease anothers struggle with addiction. It is truly the hardest thing I have ever lived through. My prison stay came after my ex wife kidnapped our baby and stole her away to Las Vegas , Nv. I have not seen her in so long. Then God chose to further test me and allowed my mothers heart to give out. I was faced with the task of taking her off life support. After that my addiction hit a new level and I began my days as a needle junkie. I truly wanted to die. But was never really proactive about it . I thought , well if I do this enough death cant be far along. Selling narcotics to an informant probably saved my life. But since my release on parole it has been some struggle. Employment is at an all time low and I dont want to fall off the wagon at times. I seem to want to leap off at a dead run. But somehow I do not. Being a felon has no advantages except I can survive , job or not. Hustle, Loyalty, Respect. All I have left. Hopefully my poetry and blogs will reach someone in pain. Someone who has lost all hope and needs to know that they are not alone. Reach out to someone today and never let them know the pain of forgetting the touch of a human being. Loneliness wears its way in and gnaws bone deep at times............. Love and Respect to all


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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

philjonesin’s Poems (53)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Lie with you 1
The Mechanic's 2
Don't eat the buffet 2
Carnivorous Carnival 1
Too much L.S.D. 1
Sensual Machinations 2
Gone 1
Poets Elysium 0
Tools, Lessons, Memories and Grace 1
Tonight 2
Time 0
This Time 2
The way you look. 1
The Void 0
The Stars 0
The L.S.D. Adventure 0
The Despot 0
The Demon 0
The City 0
That's just me.......... 0
Tarnished 0
Spoke the Leo to the Capricorn 0
She Said 0
Questions of faith 0
One Thousand 0
My uncle's Cat 0
My Neighbor 0
my best friend 0
Magical World part two 0
Magical World 0
Judgement Day 0
Jack and Jill 0
I'm no "G" 2
It hurts me.... 0
Insanity 0
Humanity's last days.... 0
How? 0
Hatred 1
Glass house 2
For Tammi 0
For Raina.... 0
Facilius Descensus Averno 0
Drive 1
Brother 1
Corridors 0
Rage 0
The Heart 0
Home 0
Father 0
Untitled 1
The Tragedienne 0
I Am 0
Sad Goodbye 0