My Curse


  • CDWillams
  • I'm gonna be dumping random thangents, thoughts in my mind I just have to let out. I hope no one minds, but thoughts are poetry right?

Poem Commentary

This is me taking a stand to my "curse" where, whenever something good happens to me, whenever I"m happy, I always seem to lose it. This is my anger and blaming God. A figure of love and peace that I hate. This is my exhaustion, my pain, my journey, all that.

My Curse

Oi, God.
Yeah you,
All high and mighty
On your clouds.
So fluffy and white.
I'm calling you out,
So listen up,
Because I'm tired of repeating myself.
You deaf old man.

How come,
Whenever I'm happy,
You take it away?
No matter what happens,
If my smile is constant,
You take away what makes me smile?
I hate you for that.
But then again,
I hate you for a lot of things.

How come,
When I got out of my abuse,
You put me with "foster families"
Who didn't love me?
How come,
When my Dad came and got me,
My step-MOM was the monster?
How come,
Whenever I succeded,
It was never good enough?

How come,
When I saw my Mom,
It only lasted a year?
How come,
Whenever she was supposed to come,
Nothing went right?
How come,
Whenever I'm in love,
It never lasts?

How come,
I try my hardest,
But no one ever cares?
How come,
My feelings get hurt,
But no notices?
How come,
I give out so easy,
And I get nothing back?

How come,
You gave me this curse?
Take it back,
I'm tired of tears.
I"m tired of life.
And mostly.
I'm tired of You. 

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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

CDWillams’s Poems (20)

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