I Am The Joker


  • CDWillams
  • I'm gonna be dumping random thangents, thoughts in my mind I just have to let out. I hope no one minds, but thoughts are poetry right?

Poem Commentary

So anyway, I take the Jester archetype, mix it with playing card motifs, and yet again parody the high on life gangster raps of the old days :D

I Am The Joker

Here we are at the table,
Stakes are piled,
Aces high,
Joker's wild.
Straight out famous,
Locked and Dangerous
Looks set to stun
Double fire power in these guns.

You look in fiction,
And what to you see?
You see me,
Straight out a comic book,
More live than electricity.
The Archtype is plain,
And there to see,
But it's clear you never met me.

Some see the fool,
I see the power, 
Give me the time,
And I turn it to hours.
The jester in the court
The clown high on life.
The kind of guy,
You'd never at look twice.

But there I am,
The Cheshire cat,
The fox getting hounded
By the Raven quothing "nevermore"
Is the sound of my gat.
As the joke character 
Gets lethal.

So you see the smiles
I see your denial
That I'm just a dream.
But I assure you I'm there.
More real than you've ever seen.

Because I am the smoker,
I am the choker,
I'm the broker,
The stoker.
More over,
I'm the goddamn Joker.

All bets are off.


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kittylilly commented on I Am The Joker


1st thing come to mind.....who ticked u off when u wrote this? than i keep thinking, maybe no one.....i have a open mind to many things, u open my mind even more....love this poem, it have a class of it own. i wrote many poems but mine comes out of life experinces and to much about my life...i write too much from the heart...im a free writer.



Naw, no one pissed me off when I wrote this haha. This is mostly just me saying "To everyone who doubts me thinking I'm some goofball, I'm the most dangerous card in the deck, with my own style that I make work"

Lillixfan14 commented on I Am The Joker


I LOVE IT!!!! Its definitely different but its great! ~Lilli~



Awesome :D Thanks for reading :D

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

CDWillams’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
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Three Words 2
The Show Must Go On 1
Reflections 0
And Just Then...It Hit Me 3
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I Want "X" Because I'm "X" 0
I Am The Joker 2
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My Curse 0
Something About Her 0
Nostalgia And Growing Up 0
I Still Got It 3
What Is Love? 0
Nature And I 0
Excuse Me, I Broke My Heart 2
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The Greatest Feeling 6