And Just Then...It Hit Me


  • CDWillams
  • I'm gonna be dumping random thangents, thoughts in my mind I just have to let out. I hope no one minds, but thoughts are poetry right?

And Just Then...It Hit Me

When I was younger,
I used to always think,
How cool adults were,
And how fast I wanted to grow up.
How much more awesome I'd be,
If I was older and free.

But then puberty hit,
And it was Hell,
Then I saw boobs, and thought, 
Oh well.
Lots of nights alone,
Not even a cell phone,
But I couldn't wait to grow up.

And then I was older
It was finally time.
Out on my own,
Not given a dime
Off to college,
And then work,
Things were hard but I was tough,
Even when it got real rough.

Then I saw it,
On the horizon,
I had so much to to,
And so little time to do it.
I was scared and it was dark.
And just hit me.

I'm not ready for this.
I'm not ready for the real world,
With it's real afflictions
And real troubles.
I don't want to grow up.
I want to be a kid again.


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kittylilly commented on And Just Then...It Hit Me


uhmmm, funny thing i never wish i was an adult. i wish i stayed a child at times......its odd i always wonder what others think about life, know i much we all expirences and wonder way at some, but being a kid again, nope im glad being me, but i wish that i was a bit smarter is all



I see, interesting, yeah, just sometimes things get a little heavy and I'm like "remember when it was easier? yeah, I miss those days"

jj1562 commented on And Just Then...It Hit Me


the cliche all adults say. nice write and just wait 20 years from now i'll be writing similar (curently 16)



Haha yeah I know right? haha

themommyof2 commented on And Just Then...It Hit Me


Brings back memories of times gone by. Watched my children go through some of the same things and thought "If they only KNEW." Enjoyable poem. Thanks for sharing.



Thank you very much. :D

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

CDWillams’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
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M. Night Shyamalan Writes A Love Poem 1
A Real Mad Hatter 3
Save Tonight 1
Three Words 2
The Show Must Go On 1
Reflections 0
And Just Then...It Hit Me 3
Jade-Colored Glasses 0
I Want "X" Because I'm "X" 0
I Am The Joker 2
You, Are Not Alone 1
My Curse 0
Something About Her 0
Nostalgia And Growing Up 0
I Still Got It 3
What Is Love? 0
Nature And I 0
Excuse Me, I Broke My Heart 2
I Talked With A Ghost 4
The Greatest Feeling 6