Jade-Colored Glasses


  • CDWillams
  • I'm gonna be dumping random thangents, thoughts in my mind I just have to let out. I hope no one minds, but thoughts are poetry right?

Poem Commentary

This is my reflection on going from a happy idealist to a bitter cynic and everywhere in-between. This is the view of the cynical mind and what happens when you hole yourself up and let that cynicism take you over.

Jade-Colored Glasses

I'm too old now,
For my rose-colored glasses
To fit.
All that happened,
Bent them quite a bit.

So I take them off,
And get a new pair,
Not that anyone notices,
Not that anyone cares.
Now to face the world.

These jade-colored glasses,
Fit my head fine.
But with all that's happened,
I wish I was blind.
But I can't take them off.

I wish I'd resisted,
Now my whole world is twisted,
Like some Tim Burton film.
What the Hell did I let happen?
But I can't take them off.

I guess they work,
I do need to see,
But this vision I use,
Isn't one to suit me.
But I can't take them off.

They help a little.
Hide my eyes perfectly,
So you can't see the pain.
I see you want to reach out,
But I can't take them off...


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Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

CDWillams’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
M. Night Shyamalan Writes A Love Poem 1
A Real Mad Hatter 3
Save Tonight 1
Three Words 2
The Show Must Go On 1
Reflections 0
And Just Then...It Hit Me 3
Jade-Colored Glasses 0
I Want "X" Because I'm "X" 0
I Am The Joker 2
You, Are Not Alone 1
My Curse 0
Something About Her 0
Nostalgia And Growing Up 0
I Still Got It 3
What Is Love? 0
Nature And I 0
Excuse Me, I Broke My Heart 2
I Talked With A Ghost 4
The Greatest Feeling 6