Lyrics of Roses


  • Loss

    Lyrics of Roses

    I figured you out
    through the lyrics strung upon the floor and bed.
    The rose petals that dried up days before,
    and the candles that burnt out of wax.
    And for a moment, there,
    in my head,
    I felt you pass through me on your way to the stars.
    If it were only for a second,
    for, within that second,
    I felt real.
    Your hands that plunder
    my virginity,
    or whats left of it.
    With your muscle tone and satisfaction,
    we found pleasure up against a wall.
    But you have gone now,
    to spread your magic across the face of the earth.
    And you began
    with me.

    By: Brandi Deacon

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    SerenityWintirs commented on Lyrics of Roses


    Oh my god, I really love this....It is going in my favs. The metaphors used in this piece are just mesmerizing. I especially like, "through the lyrics strung upon the floor and bed" and "I felt you pass through me on your way to the stars" and "And you began with me." All such amazing lines that really stood out for me. I also thought this piece was really sad. Tragically beautiful. I imagine the narrator looking back on a loveer and best friend that is now long gone. *Great job* Brandi!

    SavVySam commented on Lyrics of Roses


    Ah, changes....transformations...realizations...So many of those stars are there just waiting just for you to pen them into being...You've incredible gifts, not the least of which we've been privileged to glimpse here. Do keep writing!



    Thank you, Sam. You're so wonderful... :)

    dakcalhoun commented on Lyrics of Roses


    this one is definitely my favorite...................



    Thank you. :)

    Rhymer commented on Lyrics of Roses


    Love this descriptive and imaginative write. Unless I interpret the poem wrong you are speaking of your first love. First loves never part from the heart. 10 from me.



    Very true... It's one thing that will always stay with you. Thank you for the comment. :)

    Dano commented on Lyrics of Roses


    'I felt you pass through me on your way to the stars.'... the entire piece is awesome but that line for me is so strong... another great write from you...



    Thank you. :)

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

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