Jayandben’s Profile

Chillin' and writin'...living the life ^.^

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  • Country: US
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I am a teenager, like many others. We all think things are wrong with us, but maybe we are trying to just give every difference in people a name. I say, in my opinion, the only thing wrong is the judgement. There is a reason we title our poetry, and that is to identify and keep track. People are born and given names. So: why are we always trying to add things to that one little name? (Such as ADD, ADHD, Cronic disorders, et cetera) Somehow, I feel that there are too many people wanting fame for coming up with a word that is used to describe somebody elses faults. We are all created in perfection. Even genetically, most are perfect. So: why do those, that seem to be as what society pronounces as normal, have to have SOMEthing utterly wrong? This I will never understand, and maybe it isn't to be understood. I am not a "hater", but a curious young one. I wonder why there has to be something wrong and, after a while, don't you sort of get a little tired of people always telling you what is wrong with you? (I know I do)


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MarkKarmel profile comment


Hey, It's Reese's. I'm sorry, some of this poetry is hard to read. it's beautiful, but I hate to think of your inspiration; it hurts. Very well written.

BringMeBullets profile comment


I will check out your new stuff ASAP. Welcome back! Missed you!



Thanks :) I try to keep up, but with so much...crap....going on I haven't been able. *hug!*

bandgeek profile comment


REVENGE OF THE BAND GEEKS! BAND GEEKS WILL RULE THE WORLD. Our headquarters is the band room. Passers-by think they're hearing music; It's not music, its our plan to takeover the world! Our headquarters is the band room. A glorious place, full of instruments, known to us as Weapons of Mass Destruction. Band directors will dominate! Our music will conquer all ears. A glorious place, full of instruments known to us as Weapons of Mass Destruction. Holds the instruments in which we play with passion. Our music will conquer all ears. Come join us united as One Band, One Sound. Holding the instruments in which we play with passion. We fill our lungs with air! Come join us united as One Band, One Sound. Using our musical talent to takeover the ears of the world. Filling our lungs with air! In unison and harmony each section plays a note. Using our musical talents to takeover the world. Brass! Percussion! Woodwinds! In unison or harmony each section plays a note. The product is a song, a beautiful sound. Brass! Percussion! Woodwinds! But dont forget our beautiful music can be deadly... The product is a song, a beautiful sound. Passers-by think they're hearing music; But dont forget our beautiful music can be deadly... BAND GEEKS WILL RULE THE WORLD Haha thought you might like this poem :) I wrote it for H Eng in 10th grade...

SavVySam profile comment


I appreciate the kind words on my page, and stopped by to do some reading! (just be yourself it will drive them nuts!) Write on!

BringMeBullets profile comment


Ay bay bay! I miss you! Put some new stuff on! I would love to read it!

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Jayandben’s Poems (39)

Title Comments
Title Comments
A Voice 0
No Such Thing as Stars 2
Sweet Remedies 0
Now I've Forgotten 0
Filling Out This Hole 0
Are You the Savior 1
Never Too Late 3
Yesterday's Horizon 1
Can't be Cut Away 1
Every Fairytale 0
Who Would Believe 0
Saving You 1
Rather Be Crazy 0
The Greatest Desire 0
Drowning Soul 1
Dear Ben 0
Going Back Home 0
Our Last Mourning 0
No Longer A Home Of Mine 1
What A Light 1
Vampiric Desires 0
Elizabeth Smith 0
Poetry 1
Last Kiss 5
All The Pieces 2
All These Windows 1
Where Has The Love Gone? 1
(A Part of a Project I Made For Class) Lost Episode os Odysseus 0
Such Contradiction
So Close 1
The Path we Take 3
A Home to my Soul 2
Taking Over 1
What I've Become 2
Best Friend 2
I'll Be Here 1
Falling For Sin 1
You showed me 3