Wet Dogs


  • Rain
  • ,
  • Dogs

    Poem Commentary

    This poem is based on true events. Just the other day, my dog, "Sissy", and I stood out in the rain for hours. It was the most fun I have had in a very long time. I love her so much and am very glad that I have her in my life. (That is an actual picture of my dog.)

    Wet Dogs

    To a stranger born is some distant country hundreds of years from now:
    No one likes a wet dog.
    As I sit out in the rain though, I feel as if the wet dog and I have become one.
    Watch the rain drops slide down the glass surfaces that view
    A child and her dog
    standing in the rain, side by side.

    I remember one night,
    my dad came home drunk,
    and in the mess of his mind he told me this:
    "No matter what you do to a dog, it always comes back to you.
    You could beat it, yell at it, and it would still love you.
    A dog is a forgiving creature,
    and that's why they are man's best friend."

    At this point, I looked down at my dog
    and watched my smile form in the reflection of her
    green eyes.
    Her shaggy, wet, hair glimmered against the white and gray clouds
    in the sky.
    And it was then that I decided
    I like wet dogs.

    By: Brandi Deacon

    Poem Comments


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    dancinghawk commented on Wet Dogs


    love this piece, in a voice so ... straight shooter ... making connections to the far future and the not-so-distant past ... appreciating the unconditional nature of a dog-friend's love, and returning it with love as unconditional ... beautiful vignette, BMB! -dh



    Thank you. :)

    hoth2o commented on Wet Dogs


    Im glad you shared this moment of reflection with us. Too often we take for granted those that bring us the most pleasure.



    It is tough to realize things before they leave you for good. Amazing though! Thank you.

    Madelynn commented on Wet Dogs


    I like 'em too-except when they jump on the funiture-or shake by the supper table-lol! I get your message-dedication..humbly loving someone SO unconditionally-that your unable to seperate, even in undesirable conditions.Hmm-very deep, young poetess. Let me add that just like people, there are two kinds of living creatures in this world-some will always be passive/always be humble victims..then, there are some that 'tolerate' the situation at first, they try and stay dedicated and loving..but,sooner or later..they will grow intolerant-and bite back!-Maddi



    No kidding, huh? But thank you for the comment.

    Marsink commented on Wet Dogs


    I think your Dad's statement was an cry for understanding: possible he felt he was kicked around, and didn't find the forgiveness that is so instinctive to a dog. The discovery of a jewel in the simple moment is the treaure you share so wonderfully, here!



    a, (treasure, oops)



    Ahh... Thank you. What a neat comment.

    kesavkavumthara commented on Wet Dogs


    "No matter what you do to a dog, it always comes back to you. You could beat it, yell at it, and it would still love you. A dog is a forgiving creature, and that's why they are man's best friend." Very good lines for human being...good writing...



    Thank you so much! :)

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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