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    Poem Commentary

    Just an older poem I wrote about an ex.


    And he is perfect.
    Like the silver-crested moon
    Barely rising above the blood-stained horizon.
    And when he smiled
    Light slowly broke through
    And poured over the remaining clouds of yesterday.
    Today brings new flaws,
    But in flaws,
    I discovered perfection.
    Within this cracked heart,
    and shattered dreams,
    I can feel a healing.
    And the sun
    leaked through the clouds
    and spread into the sky.
    And his smile will come and go.
    Just like the sun and moon.
    And with every new day
    Brings new flaws
    Creating his perfection.

    By: Brandi Deacon

    Poem Comments


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    dahlusion commented on Infection


    "Today brings new flaws, But in flaws, I discovered perfection. Within this cracked heart, and shattered dreams, I can feel a healing" — I am a great big fan. Your poetic voice is meaningful, deliberate, and with out fear. Your words have a variation of sounds that I hear even without not knowing what you voice sounds like.



    Dah, you are a giving person. Thank you so much for leaving all these lovely comments on my poems. It means a lot to me to know that someone cares. I didn't join this site for comments, I joined this site for a release. And that's what you give me. Thank you.

    knight4696 commented on Infection


    Nice Job Brandi! My favorite of yours thus far. You definately have a gift with imagery ... this poem is proof positive of that. Great Job! :) Ken



    Thank you again. Your very gracious to comment on my work.

    Jayandben commented on Infection


    Absolutely jaw-dropping. My favorite part is, "Barely rising above the blood-stained horizon." :D *hug* and congrats



    Thank you! I wrote this poem a while back, but I always sort of liked it. :)

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

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