The Cherry Blossom Inn


  • Fantasy

    Poem Commentary

    I apologize for words that aren't spelled right. I was in a hurry.

    The Cherry Blossom Inn

    The walls looked light, like styrofoam,
    and the chunks of cedar hold it up.
    Paper lamps hang from the ceiling,
    crunching into the next level of red.
    The bed looks soft and warm,
    and the air smells of herbs and tea.
    Small pictures of landscapes and Bonsia trees decorate the walls.
    But not too much.
    A window is provided for minimum viewing of how big the town really is.
    I watch the yellow light filter in.
    I become captivated as it spills over a coffee table
    The lush carpet cradles my tired feet as I settle for rest
    at the Cherry Blossom Inn.

    By: Brandi Deacon

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    danmartyjake1 commented on The Cherry Blossom Inn


    Unique, endearing and conjours so much up for the soul to feast upon. Thank You!



    Thank you for reading. :)

    dahlusion commented on The Cherry Blossom Inn


    Beautifully surreal in all of its poetic meandering. Reflective. Drowsy. Dusted with warm light.



    That's what I was going for. Thank you very much for taking time to read my work.

    Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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