I Got One Life To Live 2


Poem Commentary

A Pass The Mic Piece with an addition from Clementine Woods - thank for the input - keep the format - 10 line that rhyme keep the message - lets go poets...let your voice be heard...


I Got One Life To Live 2

“I Got One Life To Live”



I got one life to live – I’m going to give to God

I’m the newest family member – of the Staff and Rod.

It’s a choice I had to make – change my wrong to right,

Got to get my life together – be prepared for the fight.

Because the devil got a squad – who can really careless,

They got AK’s and 9’s – but through Our Lord I’m blest.

Helmets on – Shields up – I got my breastplate on,

It’s survival of the fittest – but in God I stand strong.


Musical Interlude:



Coming out of the church – it’s time to hit the block,

Cause you can’t reach the people – standing on the dock.

Jesus spoke to the people – from the mountain top,

So I bring it to the streets – until my heartbeat stop.

Crime is ranking high – in our neighborhood,

Drugs are circulating – we’re ending life for good.

Mugging, thefts, murders – are your daily chores,

Breaking in people homes – taking what’s not yours.

These people are broke – but you’re too blind to see,

Satan has you on a mission – to be the best you can be.

You’re a part of evils’ wrath – with this calamity,

But God’s going to end – this whole catastrophe.

Sending forth all his angels – who’ll make a stand?

Against the forces of the Devil – all across the land!

Hate to see you locked up – because I love you bro’,

Just cease what you’re doing – and you’ll start to grow.

Walking dead for the longest – it’s time to look alive,

I’m talking one by one – and let’s continue to drive.

Time we help one another – with this life God give,

See I’m ready for the battle – “I got one life to live”.



Clementine Woods verse 2


So gear up and get ready – Both family and friends,

You see this is a battle – Which we have to win.

We must save lost souls – If just one at a time,

And keep searching and searching – unto the mountain we climb.

We can never give up – We’ve got a purpose to fill,

Before the end finally comes – We must complete God’s will.

Evilness is on the rise – we must protect our child,

Temptation is all around – trying to steal their smile.

Hard times are clamping down – some are turning tricks,

Just to make an extra dollar – there’s no particular picks.

Jobs are hardly found – they just graduated,

Opportunities they were promised – are all deflated.

Your companies overseas – how much sense do it make,

Now our children have to pay – from your silly mistakes.

Cheaper labor mass production – but you sold us out,

When I go to the stores – it make me scream and shout.

Things are made in elsewhere – or in elsewhere grown,

But the US produce nothing – they can call their own.,

I got one life to live – I’m here to do my part,

I pray that you’re ready – And willing to start.




P. S. I wrote only one verse and welcome anyone to add to this song and join me in the battle.  Nice addition by Clementine Woods – Come on people join in…

Written By: David LaMont Scott / King David Of Is-Real (Joshua 24)


For The God Of My Salvation I Will Fight, (Joshua 24)

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WinterFrost commented on I Got One Life To Live 2


Oh this is very different. I like the use of the - splitting the poem down the middle as if at war. I don't usually comment on religious poetry. but this is very different and brought me something new Thank you



Frost I thank you for your comment - I am glad I was able to bring something new to the table for you in the religous category - you should read I Hope I'm Not Too Holy For You - I think you will enjoy it as well - I'm not a fanatic - I'm just a true believer who ackowledges my imperfections are my struggles - and I need help to deal with them each day -keeps me on my knees asking for inspiration, encouragement, and insight that I may give the same to others...Listen As A Blind Man Speak...smile... KD

Clementinewoods commented on I Got One Life To Live 2


Beautifully written!!! I love the way you fitted my piece into the puzzle (so to speak) (lol). I think it's just wonderful!!! God bless!!!



I told you don't worry I would back you up on that - I am glad you loved the fill in it was totally meant for you and I hope it's what you would have love to add on... Much Love, KD

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.