Follow Your Dreams


Poem Commentary

A poem encouraging people to follow their dreams until they come true - with effort your thoughts of accomplishment come by the efforts you put forth to achieve the goals you set...


Follow Your Dreams

"Follow Your Dreams”

At the end of every rainbow,
there lies a pot of goal / gold,
but in order to reach this point in life,
we all must bend or fold.

We all go through our phases,
because life has its ups and downs,
in order to reach this pot of goal / gold,
you must know your way around.

You have to start at the bottom,
in order to reach the top;
consistently making moves you must,
even when you are about to stop.

Constantly putting forth efforts,
is important and vital to you,
sooner or later within your life,
something is bound to come through.

So remember to travel to the very end,
where the rainbow shines with goal / gold,
striving with the help of Our Lord,
in your mind, your body, and soul.

Children you can do anything you dedicate and devote yourself to achieving.  Always put God first in everything you’re out to accomplish (in other words righteously pursue your path to success).  Let Our Lord lead you my children, and you will not get lost - for Our Lord is the way!  Our Lord is the way to all good things you’ll ever wish to encounter.  Pay attention to the words of God and you’ll reach the end of the rainbow to receive your pot of gold (the goals in which you are out to achieve).  There are no short cuts in life except staying on the right path to success; otherwise it will take you longer, because of the many errors you will have to correct, if you do not stay on the right path of life.  Never give up and regardless how many times you may fall down - you must get back up and continue in your efforts.  To make a mistake in life is somewhat understandable, but to make the same mistake over and over again is foolishness, and is not to be tolerated – one mistake can cost you for a life time.  Please do not take me lightly on all I say to you.  Be not disobedient to the commands of Our Lord and let not temptation grasp you.  Amen


“Follow Your Dreams Until They All Come True

Let No One Say What Can or Can’t Do,” (Genesis 37-41)

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marina123 commented on Follow Your Dreams


follow your dream is a pot of gold in its self, too much wisdom, in these words. i thank the Lord for inspiring you yo write these words. very appropriate and write, whoever lives by them will be happy and content with life. God rewards every man in the right time, there is always that rainbow and tha pot of Gold. thanks for sharing Davis



thank you for your comment marina - I truly appreciate it and the time you gave exploring my writings - I am glad you enjoyed your stay - please come again... Much Love, KD

optimistic commented on Follow Your Dreams


I appreciated this poem it was meant for me to read this one today. Great intent great structure beautiful words and our most awesome character GOD.



Opt my brother I am glad I posted it - if it hit right on time that mean I posted it right on time - thank you for the comment - if you can Opt' - I'm asking for support on my book which mostly all of material come from - The Psalters Of The Field - - I thank you in advance - this book is an excellent easy read, well focused, well reheared and versed've read my work Opt' this is the book - support your brother...Amen Much Love, KD

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.