After The Love Has Gone Astray


After The Love Has Gone Astray

“After The Love Has Gone Astray”

After the love has gone astray,
and the feelings are not the same,
it’s better to accept it and understand,
instead of who’s really to blame.

After the love has gone astray,
and care starts slipping away,
separation becomes a reality,
for you’ll have no reason to stay.

After the love has gone astray,
because someone need their space,
respect their wish and give them room,
for you’re about to be erased.

After the love has gone astray,
the world hasn’t come to an end,
just because one – stepped out your life,
it invites one to step in.

After the love has gone astray,
God’s love you have not lost,
love in all else - and hear me now,
we all must pay the cost.

The cost of time and effort,
cost to be devoted and true,
it will cost you if you’re not dedicated,
in seeing this love shine through.

Still if your love does not work out,
be prepared to move that day,
this is something we all must do,
“After The Love Has Gone Astray.”

After the love has gone astray do not end the relationship in an unrighteous manner, where we have a sudden change of heart towards your loved one.  Let us have a better understanding and work things out smoother, instead of adding madness relating to couples separations.  Battling over children, coming after each other through various fowl means which is overwhelming – tell me where will it end?  The children still need both parents, and you owe them that so do not discourage their love towards either of you.  Do not involve them in your actions which brought this separation about – they’re only involved in birth processes you initiated so attend to that in respect to your children - they’re both of your responsibility – it shouldn’t take government officials to regulate this for you – such a move can be a terrible mistake – only do so if it’s truly necessary.  If no children are born in your relationship – you claimed to have loved each other, so continue in love by working things out – forgive them and move on.  Don’t go trying to retaliate – staying with them to play revengeful games, it’s a waste of time - grow up - life goes on.  I’ve made dumb mistakes in my relationships and regret every moment – so please don’t let this same thing happen to you – because you’ll regret it too – God don’t like unrighteous behavior – Amen.


“I Pray That Your Love Will Stand Through The Test Of Time,” (Romans 3:23)

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Clementinewoods commented on After The Love Has Gone Astray


Deep!!! Really deep!!! This is a wonder poem and it is so true. This is another one of your great works of art. Be blessed!!! Your sister in Christ, Clementine.



Again Clementine I thank you for your time spent with me - I smile everytime I see your comments it let me know that my Psalms are worthy... Much Love - Your Brother In Christ KD - King David Of Is-Real - The Angelical Warrior

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.