I Pray You'll Be Alright


Poem Commentary

This poem is especially put on here for a fellow poet - Jodi - this is for you and I pray you'll be alright...


I Pray You'll Be Alright

“I Pray You Will Be Alright”


I heard that you are ill –

So to God I kneeled to pray,

That a speedy recovery be given to you –

So you can be on your way.

The family is deeply worried –

Without you they feel a loss,

You keep the family balanced –

It’s like you carry their cross.

Co-workers they feel your absence –

The smile you bring to their face,

Now displays a sadder look –

Without you to cheer up the place.

Flowers and cards fill the room –

The church is down on their knees,

Seems as though the earth has stopped –

The trees don’t dance in the breeze.

I pray God will lead your doctor –

And your operation be a success,

Let all who need your healing God –

Through Jesus Christ be bless.


I pray you will be alright (James 5:13-20)


When the doctors cannot find a cure it’s then a helping hand from God comes to guide them in there surgical procedures, and sometimes without their physical assistance, a person who is pronounced dead is all the sudden breathing again, someone who was considered to be in a vegetation state of life all of the sudden begins to show signs of life.  Never give up on God even if the one you pray for passes – they are going to a God who can resurrect them in a life of new beginnings.  Amen

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mpjtforever commented on I Pray You'll Be Alright


wow I am speechless, wonderfully put. by the way thaniks for your comments and prayers. I hope this is one of the ones u wanted me to read. i enjoyed it thouroughly. you are an inspiration to my soul. thanks again. your friend jodi



This Jodi was especially posted for you - doesn't matter if anyone else read it - I posted this for your sake - I pray you'll be alright... KD

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.