Love survives the worst of times


Poem Commentary

A Poem about True Love - for true love survives the worst of weather / whether...


Love survives the worst of times

“Love survives the worst of times...”

Love still stands strong

when you think it has failed,
standing right by your side

when you think it has bailed.
Love survive the storms

regardless how great,
it’s tossed and turned

but holds on by fate.
Love is never over

nor in death do you part,
for it’s not easy to remove

the Love from our heart.
Love conquers the hurt

that one may have caused,
but to find Love again

makes people applause.
Love remains strong

though people are weak
in love we have climbed

the highest of peaks.
Love knows no limit

and no boundaries at all;
in true love we stand

even though we do fall.

True Love Is Never Ending, (Psalms 89)

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marina123 commented on Love survives the worst of times


i am glad that people other than i have experienced this kind of love from God and fellow man, a love that knows no bounds, unconditional love,it helps make life worth every minute alive. my prayer everyday is that i can love the people that i love this truely forever and that they do too. for we all need this kind of love. thanks David, you are a man after my own heart, its like you wrote the script of my heart. well expressed and well writen



I thank you again for your comments - if you truly love someone it will survive the worst of times - but we cannot misunderstand that if it get to bad you must abandon ship - but still love the ones we leave behind... Much love, KD

bustaryme commented on Love survives the worst of times


A true depiction of the "agape" love of God. I especially appreciate the Biblical references. Keep up the good work.



Thank you for the comment again my friend - and a depiction of true love as well - for even to this day my love survives the worst of time with all in whom I have loved but lost in the process... KD

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Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.