Listen As A Blind Man Speak


Poem Commentary

Another poem of wiedom - asking everyone to remove the smote from our eyes so we can see clearly to remove the smote from the eyes of our sisters and brothers...


Listen As A Blind Man Speak

”Listen As A Blind Man Speaks”

Though a blind man cannot see,
for eyesight he has not,
he asked another for guidance,
since the vision of sight he got.

He asked the seer, “the way through life,
kind Sir, what is the way,”
the seer replied, “Be righteous son,
as you live from day to day.”

“How then can I be righteous,
if I’m one who cannot see,”
the seer said, “Yes I’ve noticed,
but you’ll see your life through me.”

The blind man said, “impossible,
how can I see through your eyes,”
the seer replied, “on the contrary though,”
but you first must realize.

Even when things cannot be seen,
it doesn’t mean you’re blind,
it means: “you’re focused on something else,
that’s not in Our Lord’s design.”

P.S. Thank you Our Lord, for removing the smote from my eyes, so that I can see.  Now that I can see Our Lord, I will do all I can to remove smote out of the eyes of my sisters and brothers so they too can see.  There are many things blurring our vision of righteousness.  Things we bring upon ourselves through our wants and our desires, our deceit and temptation, our schemes and scandals, that lead us into the wrong doings we partake of in order to get ahead of others, sneak our way through others, and to take advantage of others.  Let us open our eyes to a better way and a brighter day, where we no longer cheat our way through life.  Instead we should work hard to righteously maintain and prosper through life, in order to assist our sisters and brothers in life, instead of doing wrong to each other in life.  Amen


Opening My Eyes To Our Lord / The Blind Man – Who Now Can See (John 9:1-41)

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fennesse commented on Listen As A Blind Man Speak


You are right true happiness lies in a Godly heart who awakes with thoughts and desire and faith-action to assist one be the deed great or small we exist to service one another



Thank you again for your comment - I smile to see you have returned to visit your Big Brother once again - take care my Little Sister may Our Father be with you and keep you... Much Love, KD

tsgirl commented on Listen As A Blind Man Speak


that's like from darkness to light, the light that's in Jesus will see us through, nicely said D. 1 luv



I'm glad you were willing to listen as a blind man speak - thank you for sharing a moment of your time with me... Much Love, KD

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.