Hold God's Hand


  • Religion

    Hold God's Hand

    When life throws darts and arrows
    When you feel like giving up
    When things depress and frustrate
    And the world looks desolate and corrupt
    When family and friends turn their backs
    And days seem to drag on and on
    As work takes up every waking minute
    And weariness feels it should end…….

    When Christmas and all the Holidays
    Cannot create the expected joy
    When counting the number of your sins
    And feeling it is you God should destroy
    When nothing satisfies the longing
    And you know within there is something more
    When you feel it is too late to find it
    And your life cannot take a stand……….

    When pain overtakes your body
    And giving up seems better than to cope
    When your heart aches deep within
    And you feel you’re at the end of your rope
    When you look to find an answer
    And you find the bottle to drown your sorrow
    When you know that is not the peace you seek
    Look up and discover your true friend…………..

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    Clementinewoods commented on Hold God's Hand


    This poem is so beautiful!!! God keeps His hand outstretched to us and all we have to do is take hold of it. He is there for us 24/7 and He is waiting to answer our calls. Thank you so much for sharing such a lovely poem. I would also like to invite you to share in my work. God bless!!!

    MandyJ commented on Hold God's Hand


    This one really hits me because before I found the Lord I was so lost and felt so abandoned. Your words are so true. We all should reach out and hold His hand. God bless you and your wonderful writing. :-)

    cloudburst commented on Hold God's Hand


    The idea is so pure and so universal; it’s true for every person one time in life. Probably, this is how it creates a good poets and artists. The rhythm and subject of your poem is very appealing and made its impact on heart.

    Bev750 commented on Hold God's Hand


    Well said. God is what we need in every Aspect of Life.

    Realistic commented on Hold God's Hand


    Your faith is obviouse through your work here. Good read, God Bless.

    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Ouida’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    A Cat's Outlook on Human Behavior 0
    The Mountaintop Experience 2
    I Was There 1
    The Rustic Brown Church 1
    Hold God's Hand 5
    A Part of Heaven on Earth 3
    The Secret Garden 4
    Buddies 1
    Jesus, Stranger in the Manger 2
    Just Me 2