Communion With Dawn


Communion With Dawn

In the stillness of the early morn
When nature shakes off the remnants of slumber
Leaves stretching, flowers opening
I sit quietly with my cup of tea in reflection.

Gazing at the first visages of dawn
As the sun lazily climbs into the heavens
Gradually dressing the day in a kaleidoscope of hues
Huddling a bit deeper into the quilt I have wrapped about me.

Oh quiet morn what blessing will you bestow today?
A gentle shower, a warm caress?
Or will passion shatter us from our doldrums,
Enveloping fury of an unleashed tempest.

Communion with nature, I tune into earths heartbeat
Thundering through my blood, rejuvenating my soul
I rise and salute you in prayer and thanksgiving
Calmer from the spiritual union of birthing a new day.

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leolioness commented on Communion With Dawn


A very lovely poem. A sweet expression of the early morning rising.

WinterFrost commented on Communion With Dawn


Ah alone time in the AM. I like the false dawn and the fog myself. Nice read.

ginga commented on Communion With Dawn


Lena, What a wonderful and serene poem. You have chosen such tender and natural words to describe a very spiritual experience and bond with the earth. ty for this poem. ginga

dragonfly1023 commented on Communion With Dawn


a lovely reflection of life and nature as you awaken to a new day. I can see the respect you have for this gift we share called Earth LenaMP.



Thank you for the wonderful review. I greatly appreciate it.

WordSlinger commented on Communion With Dawn


This is beautiful, the title is very unique. The last line is great, :), My good friend, of nature and poetry, I like it, alot.



Hello friend. Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope everything is going good for you. Thanks for the review.



You can reenter this in the contest without losing these comments, look for the link, great poem..

Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

LenaMP’s Poems (29)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hard Life, Well Spent 1
A Warm Welcome for Aimee 6
The brine, it is a calling... 5
When Angels Cried 7
My Baby Blue 4
Inner Anguish 6
Dreams Dissipate 6
Communion With Dawn 6
Not Forgotten 3
My Little Man 5
Melancholy Mists 1
My Brother, My Friend 4
A Day is Our Life 2
Rush Hour 2
The Gift is Not a Given 4
Obsessive Inclination 3
Forbidden Love 5
London Time 1
Childhood Treasures 2
Childhood Fears 4
Rush Hour 1
Deluge of Despondency 1
Insignia of My Psyche 1
Just a Kiss and a Promise 3
Day Dreams and Magic 7
Battlefields of Discontented Dreams 5
A Daily Testimony of a World’s Decline 3
The Circle Resumes 6
Cathedral Spiritual 9