Insignia of My Psyche


  • Emotional

    Insignia of My Psyche

    The complexity of my mind
    is a kaleidoscope of colors,
    blending together with my moods,
    melting with my personality.

    In the state of darkness,
    the murky browns and grays
    swirl like a fog,
    encroaching on solitude

    Happiness explodes in a rainbow
    of bright hues and illumination,
    vivid and rich in their depths,
    bursting forth across the vast horizon.

    Anger beats in pools of red,
    pulsing to a beat that pounds within.
    Graphic splices slashing across the canvas.
    Drums beating, pounding, with tempos rising.

    Passion breathes in deep purples.
    Magenta draws swords against indigo.
    Saturation of sensations,
    dissipating into midnight blue of release.

    Serenity blossoms within orchards of green
    Lime to Olive; Celadon to Sea
    Flowing, drifting, soothing
    Melting into a pool of contentment.

    Oh spectrum of lights and shades
    how you fulfill me.
    Desires that form substance under your artistic palette,
    absorb then scatter, reflecting my inner energies.

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    WordSlinger commented on Insignia of My Psyche


    I bet you enjoyed writing this one

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    LenaMP’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
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    Rush Hour 2
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    Obsessive Inclination 3
    Forbidden Love 5
    London Time 1
    Childhood Treasures 2
    Childhood Fears 4
    Rush Hour 1
    Deluge of Despondency 1
    Insignia of My Psyche 1
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