My Baby Blue


Poem Commentary

To my freind, my family, my confidant, my pet.  I had to let you go tonight...You will be forever missed.

My Baby Blue

Tonight I had to say goodbye to you

I cried as I held you, my baby Blue

Nine long years you shared our life

Through happiness and times of strife


I remember when we adopted you

You kissed my hand my baby Blue

We took you with us to share our home

From our lives you didn’t roam


You rarely spoke except to growl

At enemies upon the prowl

Yet you’d befriend the smallest kind

Rabbits, squirrels you didn’t mind


You shared your food with the birds that came

And shared your water just the same

You’d walk with me on summer days

And smiled at me for the slightest praise


You hated water that’s a fact

To a hose or a tub you would over react

But to a brush you would sit so still

A scratch on the belly gave you such a thrill


But old man the time had come

The tears have flowed until I’m numb

I said goodbye to our friendship true

I’ll miss you always, my baby Blue

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Tempestlady commented on My Baby Blue


I have had many named "blue" and loved in the same spirit too. It i so hard to let go, but like BDC says they are always with you. May your heart love again and reminisce with peaceful memores of a special friendship and love. Write on...

BigDaddyCash commented on My Baby Blue


You just stole my heart away and I'm sure Baby Blue has this wonderful dedication in his book of memories. He knows how much you love him because he hears you and feels your inner most emotions. He hasn't left you he's still beside you in spirit. Your heartfelt love for animals is felt in your words, words with hunger, hope and desire. I love animals more than I love most people, my family is made up of five dogs and a stray cat I call no-name. I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to put their story on your profile page. God bless you my friend, LOL, BDC

peacefully commented on My Baby Blue


Being a dog lover, this poem touched me. This was so tender and loving. You were able to show the character of your baby Blue and your deep love for this beloved pet. Good Bye! Baby Blue.



Thank you for your kindness.

ginga commented on My Baby Blue


Lena, A heartfelt and poignant goodbye that shows the love of a Master for their baby Blue and Blue for you. ginga



Thanks. I adopted a new dog last weekend. Half Chow/Half Border Collie. 8 months old and 33 lbs of energy but I love her.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

LenaMP’s Poems (29)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Hard Life, Well Spent 1
A Warm Welcome for Aimee 6
The brine, it is a calling... 5
When Angels Cried 7
My Baby Blue 4
Inner Anguish 6
Dreams Dissipate 6
Communion With Dawn 6
Not Forgotten 3
My Little Man 5
Melancholy Mists 1
My Brother, My Friend 4
A Day is Our Life 2
Rush Hour 2
The Gift is Not a Given 4
Obsessive Inclination 3
Forbidden Love 5
London Time 1
Childhood Treasures 2
Childhood Fears 4
Rush Hour 1
Deluge of Despondency 1
Insignia of My Psyche 1
Just a Kiss and a Promise 3
Day Dreams and Magic 7
Battlefields of Discontented Dreams 5
A Daily Testimony of a World’s Decline 3
The Circle Resumes 6
Cathedral Spiritual 9