Just a Kiss and a Promise


  • Nature

    Just a Kiss and a Promise

    Popcorn clouds in a buttery sunrise
    Melting away the darkness of a chocolate sky
    Breathe in the scent of fresh mowed lawn
    Generously powdered in morning frost

    Apple crisp bite of an early dawn
    Crunching as I walk, leaving imprints scattered
    On a multicolored carpet of autumn leaves
    Tracks soon covered by the shuffle of time.

    Summers behind me, lazy days in the sun
    Winter is beckoning, promising long cozy nights
    Autumn refreshes, invigorates my senses
    Just a playful kiss before the year is done.

    Poem Comments


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    ginga commented on Just a Kiss and a Promise


    Lena, This poem is prevalent as the onslaught of fall approaches, The rhythms and rhymes are perky in their own rite,. I love the images. ginga

    WordSlinger commented on Just a Kiss and a Promise


    Beautiful, and delicious, thanks now when I'm hungry I can't look up, ;)

    bobzoom commented on Just a Kiss and a Promise


    A beautiful and well penned write the imagery made me feel i was there well done.

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    LenaMP’s Poems (29)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hard Life, Well Spent 1
    A Warm Welcome for Aimee 6
    The brine, it is a calling... 5
    When Angels Cried 7
    My Baby Blue 4
    Inner Anguish 6
    Dreams Dissipate 6
    Communion With Dawn 6
    Not Forgotten 3
    My Little Man 5
    Melancholy Mists 1
    My Brother, My Friend 4
    A Day is Our Life 2
    Rush Hour 2
    The Gift is Not a Given 4
    Obsessive Inclination 3
    Forbidden Love 5
    London Time 1
    Childhood Treasures 2
    Childhood Fears 4
    Rush Hour 1
    Deluge of Despondency 1
    Insignia of My Psyche 1
    Just a Kiss and a Promise 3
    Day Dreams and Magic 7
    Battlefields of Discontented Dreams 5
    A Daily Testimony of a World’s Decline 3
    The Circle Resumes 6
    Cathedral Spiritual 9