You Cannot Judge Me!


Poem Commentary

If You want to know more about this Read all of Roman chapter 14 you can even ask me about it but to ask me about it you would need to read chapter 14 if you don't understand then ask that is when I can help you. Now I wrote this more for myself. and for others its just not saying don't judge others its saying don't judge me its suppose to sture you up but if you were to read the chaper you would better understand its part of a lesson. Its neet how i wrote it feel free to discuss it with me if you like i don't mind. comment if you like. but please rate?

You Cannot Judge Me!

Don't judge me,

for thy is not God!

But a mere human,

in a sinners body.

Who do you think you are!

Surly not my king?

So what words of Judgment,

In which you speak,

Are wrong.

You are not my King!

So learn from the scripture,

my friend, and behold his words

For every Knee shall bow,

And every tongue shall confess to God


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lonewolf commented on You Cannot Judge Me!


no truer words could be spoken. judge not, less you be judged. nicely done



Thank you lonewolf, Very kind of you to read my poem... I love that one... P.s Dy02

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

DyFriend02’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Heart Of Thorns 0
You Cannot Judge Me! 1
Fly On The Wall 2
My Friend 1
Friendship Ends 1
Psalms of a leader 0
Fishing 0
Depression 2