Fly On The Wall


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    Just some rhyme That i came up with I like it to its kind of funny.. throwing a fuse over a I can picture on of my little sisters doing that... Pleas comment and tell me what you thing about this poem?

    Fly On The Wall

    There's a fly on the wall,

    On Your face, in your hair!

    Making a nuisance.

    Flying about the room.

    Run! Run! ketch that fly.

    Smash that but!

    Its a  nuisance.


    There's a Fly on the wall,

    In your closet,

    On your head  and hands.

    Flying about the room,

    Like it owns it.

    Run! Run! Smash that bug!

    Before it sets you off.

    It's a nuisance.

    Blame! Splat! Main,

    That fly is dead.


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    charmlessman2d commented on Fly On The Wall


    nice. i hate bugs! ugh. but somehow i feel this is more than about a simple fly. thats the beauty of it all. great read.

    sk8erpoet commented on Fly On The Wall


    awesome..haha its cool that you made a humorous one...i dont seem to read many of those haha..great write..sk8



    LOL thanks I thought so too I was in that kind of mood.. sometimes its fun to write them. I am only able to because i am impruving able to write about more then just somethings... I got a lot of poems just not on OP. thanks there in my

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    DyFriend02’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Heart Of Thorns 0
    You Cannot Judge Me! 1
    Fly On The Wall 2
    My Friend 1
    Friendship Ends 1
    Psalms of a leader 0
    Fishing 0
    Depression 2