

Poem Commentary

Well Yeah.. I am new on here and no i don't do the contest I just chill with my poems...


Pounding Raging Emotions! Ticking in side with Depression,

For Her heart cry's Violently for so many things. Mostly for love.

Someone to hold would be nice, other things like family separations, and wondering why?

Blaming ones self, but feeling like they want you out.

Cause's her confusion, and depression.

Is that step mother really evil as she pretends to pick.

With a voice in conversation, on moving back in. Talking about as if I am not here.

I new it they want me out. My step sister my best friend

Pretending to be so. When really she just wants to avoid me.

I hate me so, want to die to take my life, to stop others from hatinng me so.

I am a lovable person with a good heart. Who wants to do lots of things for others,

but don't know how to express that, or my heart,

But you got to keep going hoping things will turn right,and for finding your love.

That you know you will never have,

  "Sigh" Oh How I am depressed.

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

DyFriend02’s Poems (8)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Heart Of Thorns 0
You Cannot Judge Me! 1
Fly On The Wall 2
My Friend 1
Friendship Ends 1
Psalms of a leader 0
Fishing 0
Depression 2