Wicked Eyes and Twisted Lies


Wicked Eyes and Twisted Lies

I’ve strayed from my faith again and got the Devil whispering in my ear
Catching a glimpse of the world that tells me things I don’t need to hear
It’s got me all confused and my mind’s unsure of what I should allow in
I feel these dark thoughts working to penetrate right underneath my skin

I’m stuck inside a room of wicked eyes that see no wrong in what they do
Twisting words around to make a nightmare of this dream you sink into
It’s far from an illusion and it’s driving your faith deep into the ground
Making it hard for us to think clear and hear the voice of our own sound

Your lips tell twisted tales of dark, disturbing horror that will surely haunt
What is becoming of our culture that grows more demented as others taunt
Our curious eyes with such vulgar music and TV. shows that don’t screen
We watch and listen to the words and actions expressed that only demean

Where have our morals gone and what is even safe to view with our eyes?
The devil hides behind closed doors so chose wisely since there is a surprise
We let the media twist the story so it can be made into Hollywood glamour
While millions of viewers spit out their criticism in such a disgusting clamor

What wicked eyes are watching me while I patiently look for an exit ahead?
An escape from this twisted reality that bleeds their ideas like ink into my head
The pain of knowing I’m trapped and feel so helpless when I’m fighting alone
There wicked ways are spinning webs inside my brain that will slowly be sown

Death is at my doorstep but I still have breath left and a little strength to stand
What will be the conclusion to this life of mine that I am trying to understand?
Oh God if you can hear me please send an angel down to keep me safe from harm
The enemy’s vicious attacks are more than I can bear and it comes without alarm

What can I say to make this evil disappear that has entered my body like a disease?
The only weapon I know that works is the power of prayer when I’m on my knees
But I feel myself being torn apart at the seams because I’m caught up in the middle
It’s a fire storm raging inside my heart that I can’t figure it out it since its a riddle

These eyes that shed such horror are firing hateful words like rounds of ammo
I feel myself blending into society with my skin that adapts to the shades of camo
That seems to hide me in the background where only shadows can be seen
What a fright these wicked creatures can bring when they begin to act so mean

Wake me up for I must be sleeping again or have I become drunken from this wine
I desire to quench my thirst with the sweetness of mercy, grace, and a love so Divine
Where is the shelter that I seek and who can hear my call when the wind is blowing
The Devil strategically tracks me down and is trying to keep me from ever knowing

This endless war with the world and my flesh has my head spinning way to fast
I feel as if the world could crash down on me and I’d be caught in the bomb blast
So please take me far away from this nightmare that is becoming a reality to me
For I don’t want to be part of this world’s trend that tries to tell me who to be

I will be the man that God intended and will turn all wickedness into truth
Avoiding the twisted lies that settle like poison in the hearts of listening youth
That have been wrongfully taught to follow scientific theories and evolution
When there is a power greater than any human that draws up a logical solution

Brett Fletcher


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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Coltsfan777’s Poems (73)

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