The Perfect Stranger


The Perfect Stranger

Your faith was strong like steel and an idol I wanted to reflect

But somehow your heart grew cold and turned sour as you reject

How could this figure that I praised become a man I now despise?

What happened to the hope you shared that sparkled in your eyes

Where does your heart stand now due to everything you have faced?

All this has changed your outlook and your faith has been replaced

Don’t you ever think about all the joy that you will sadly miss?

Because you let your heart stray from the one who gives you bliss

Where did all your dreams go and what made this darkness grow?

I thought that things were going great by what you came to show

But I have slowly watched all of your hope diminish in the wind

How can you go on in life without the help of a perfect friend?

You feel as if your life is finished and nothing matters anymore

You want to run away from all the horror that this world can pour

As it colors a scene of the darkest red that stains like Jesus’ blood

This sinless man loved us enough to die and lift us out of the mud

A Savior’s gift that took our guilt and sorrow far away from here

Cast into the depths of the ocean waters that hold secrets and fear

But eternity rest in the arms of One who shed His life on Calvary

His death brought healing to my soul and has set all the captives free

We are prisoners to this sin that infects our soul that has a purpose

The innocence we hold as a child is stripped away and hit’s the surface

For when were in our adult stages we face new trails and temptations

So set your priorities on spiritual matters that bring us lasting sensations

I have found this world to be a distraction that drives us away from love

Close your eyes and picture blessings falling down like rain from above

Cause your eyes are the window to your soul that seeks true satisfaction

God will guide you through and draw you in like a magnetic attraction

His voice will resound in the wind like chimes that play a pleasant tune

My heartbeat will race like a horse in pursuit of winning really soon

As God’s radar tracks my every movement to carefully see what I’ll do

So friend please don’t give up on God because He will pull you through

Remember how important it is to show the world how you live and walk

Be ready when your faith is challenged and carefully watch the way you talk

Cause actions tell a lot about a person and how they will influence a crowd

Show them what you live for and let them know what makes you feel proud

It’s so sad when we treat Jesus Christ like he is a nothing but a stranger

We only turn to ask for His help when we are truly faced with danger

Let the world see what you hold inside your heart so they know the truth

Don’t let the world tell you how to live your life during your years of youth

It’s so tough to watch a man throw away a future that remained so bright

Unveil your full potential that will glow like a raging fire in the night

Will you push yourself to see just how far that you can really move?

Never pass up a chance to do something great in life that will simply prove

How strong your spirit holds together, forever united in Christ alone

Nothing can break this bond of trust that you have tightly sewn

Into your heart that bleeds with fiery passion that will never cease

My heart escapes the world’s plot to destroy my plan for hope and peace

So smile wide with tear filled eyes that electrify a room that stays quiet

Piercing hearts with words of kindness that can suddenly start a riot

Actions that would stir new emotions that could have a lasting effect

To change a lost soul that has always hidden feelings and who would reject

A message so inspiring and beautiful that it could cause a revolution to rise

Wake up a lost generation that has been searching for clues with blinded eyes

Teach them the importance of having a life that holds real meaning inside

A faith based life with Jesus that we can cherish forever and take great pride

Brett Fletcher


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winterkou commented on The Perfect Stranger


Your words really come alive on the page . A true masterpiece that is well presented and written . To God be the Glory. Amen

Worthless commented on The Perfect Stranger


That explains it all! Well mostly! Love the way you write. I have been writing too simular things but the best just runs away when I get to a pen and paper to say what I no longer remember to say.. it irritates me emensly. The last two days I've just been so tired to think and write and even pray which is why I always think of the neglect of God that we humans regretfully and unknowingly do without the thought of the greatest gift of love... (which some of my words also reflect in your poem) I may not be making sense right now, been long long long few days. I'll send you mail soon.. I love the way God gave you the words to make a poem and share!

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

Coltsfan777’s Poems (73)

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