City of Darkness


City of Darkness

Within these marked lines lies a city where the lights never come on

A small town where all the righteous people seem too be gone

Where only vile acts can be seen happening throughout the streets

A city living in total darkness where no one friendly ever greets


All their feelings remain locked up like a cage that has no key

It’s always cold and windy in this town of loneliness and misery

Cause no one cares to show any signs of love or even offer peace

They struggle to find any hope and seek a way to bring release


Nothing ever seems to change in this quiet place they dwell

Somehow this town goes unnoticed for it’s a road that leads to hell

These people cannot realize the harm there putting themselves in

Why won’t anybody tell them that there all living with guilt and sin?


There hearts need to be opened to the Word of God that offers grace

They don’t understand the suffering Christ took to take our place

Hanging on a wooden cross with blood dripping from His disfigured face

As nails pierced His gentle hands that were outstretched to the human race


In this city where no lights would shine, a flicker of hope would arise

A martyr, a saint, and patron of Christ has offered His love to surprise

This wicked and lost town of sinners where nothing like this would occur

A miraculous, spiritual awakening from God’s anointed one to ensure


For His heart of gold was bleeding out to win these faithless souls at stake

From giving up on a meaningful life that would cause their hearts to break

So they could feel a passionate love that had never been felt in their lives before

It was the love of Christ that shook their spines, as they cried out for more


Remember just how blessed you are to have a love that knows no ending 

We must give thanks and praise each day for the people God is sending

For it’s God that fuels this love that has brought about a new attitude

You’re the drug that runs through my veins and I give you all my gratitude


You leave me obsessed and overwhelmed from the madness of Your love

You’re the Savior this city had longed for and needed from up above

Who could have imagined just one voice would cause a change like this?

The time for salvation is now so come let Christ fill you with happiness


Brett Fletcher


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winterkou commented on City of Darkness


Finding hope in a dark world, and leaning on Christ. what more can u ask for. God gave us everything and to send His son to die for us , How can anybody deny this. This is an endless, forever love , a bond never meant to break.

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

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