Were Blessed


Were Blessed

Do we ever stop to think about all the things that we possess?

Were not as poor as that naked child who has no shirt or dress

With food to eat we watch as others starve and dig in the trash

Fighting to survive out in the street and come across a little cash

We struggle to conceive the concept of what it means to be poor

So many are deprived of TV, houses, food and so much more

All the things we have seem to add up to a lot when you compare

To the rest of the world who needs to be reached and shown we care

We must reach out in love and build a ministry so others can see

What it means to be blessed and live life as it was intended to be

By giving clothes, shelter, and food to those who are truly in need

Help those less fortunate than us so we can plant a spiritual seed

We don’t appreciate what we have until we don’t have it anymore

How it hurts me deep inside to see how we keep spending at the store

When so many have so little to even spend on just one small thing

We hear about desperate children begging for somebody just to bring

Love and support or even just a hug to comfort there pain and sorrow

Will the actions that we take truly make for a much better tomorrow

Families are always needing help trying to stretch every dollar bill

They do every thing they can to save money out of their own will

But sometimes it gets to the point we don’t know what steps to take

We often wonder what will happen on the next day when we wake

So share the riches that you hold to bless someone who is in need

It’s hard to look around at all I’ve got and not think about greed

I hope to get an opportunity to bless somebody in a special way

Because we have so much to be thankful for each and every day

Brett Fletcher


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Worthless commented on Were Blessed


And sometimes I wish i didn't help the people in need which only turned out to be helping the greed.. Seriously.. But I know exactly what your saying. I was headed to washington state and saw a guy needing a ride with a dog holding a sign that said 'Dreaming of a cheeseburger." I thought it was funny and although i didn't even know if i had enough cash to make it to my destination, I gave him 5 bucks and the dog some food.. I wish us citezens would stick together and go on strike against the government so things would change. Because truth be told it's us tax payers feeding the greedy and the poor are still extremely needy.. Well written and yes we are all blessed even the less fortunate..

am2anangel commented on Were Blessed


we truly are blessed and I think we all too often take that for granted. I've learned not to take things for granted as much as I once did. Another well written insightful piece. -Tonya

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

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