Splash into my Soul


Splash into my Soul

My eyes look into this world as if their staring through a kaleidoscope

As shapes and colors come to life to twist and turn on this steep slope

That towers over me like a mountain that no one has attempted to scale

Fear the long fall into the rocks below that brings concern that I might fail

You will crash hard like a boulder that rolls with such great might

If you allow the voices of evil to intercept the Spirit’s call in the light

As raging winds shift your position and the waves push you down under

I need Your help to pull me out as you amaze me with your glorious wonder

I feel the ground below me start to crack like a devastating earthquake

A chilling terror strikes the world as our foundation begins to shake

Until it rocks me upside down so I feel defeated and too helpless to stand

Spun into a web of lies where my faith is torn like book pages in my hand

My biography has already been read and reviewed by these unseen eyes

I need a splash of cool water to refresh my soul that is blinded by surprise

How I thirst for this river of life that flows right through my veins like blood

A feeling of rejuvenation overcomes my weakened soul that God will flood

Strike me like a rattlesnake where I feel the poison rush in to take control

Break my silence with a whisper from the heavens that will speak to my soul

Open my mind to Your beauty and hide this world that is burning in ashes

Stir emotions like wildfire that swirl inside me like a hurricane that crashes

You will never feel a stronger power surge of love than this one that thrives

On hurting souls that burn to know the truth and taste a life that drives

My heart to conviction as Your hands reach down to take a hold of mine

Forever is at stake so free your heart of all burdens with help from the Divine

The invisible One is taking possession over my body from deep within

He is pushing His undying love through my wounds to break the skin

I have the assurance of eternity that will empower my soul to take flight

To a place of celestial wonder that shines brighter than any white light

Here I am crawling to You in a time of despair that has left me so dry

I need spiritual encouragement to release this pain of wanting to die

As I try to let go and give God the wheel so he can give me direction

Though I fall short of Your glory I am constantly aiming for perfection

I know were never so lost that we cannot find a love that lies elsewhere

Your never too far from home because shelter rest in a simple prayer

Comforting these searching eyes that are no more than a glance away

From a hope that knows no end and that will last forever and a day

Brett Fletcher 9/4/2011



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am2anangel commented on Splash into my Soul


great message and beautiful write once again. The font size had me squinting but well worth the extra effort to read this great write. Good to see your brother is at least commenting on your work he's behind on mine. As are you. I always enjoy your great comments. well done. -Tonya

winterkou commented on Splash into my Soul


Amazing write................................you really know how to keep the reader focused and come across with the message . To God be the Glory.

In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

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