Why Jesus is Better than Santa?


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  • Religion

    Why Jesus is Better than Santa?

    We give our hearts away to so many things that can’t save you or me
    letting our hearts find a moment of fulfillment that will never be
    Enough to conquer the burning question that we grow to believe
    Who is the best at bringing joy and love that we can all receive?

    This world is full of information that we can take in and spit out
    Only one man can truly satisfy the soul and give life without a doubt
    But how quickly we forget with the presents that Santa brings
    The joy that jolly man can share with the world that loves getting things

    We allow for lies to burn an image inside our heads for way too long
    What does Christmas mean and who are these two men we got all wrong?
    How can a jolly man named Santa Claus who lives in the North Pole?
    Provide us any truth when he’s a character we created to make us whole

    But a Savior we call Jesus Christ came along to impress the spectator
    Showing us a better lifestyle and bring us something so much greater
    Cause we have the bible that shares His message of real love and grace
    Unlike Santa Claus this man we know as Jesus was a sacrifice to replace

    It’s time for us to adjust our eyes because we need to see the real picture
    Read the words with your own eyes and understand the Holy Scripture
    So why it is then that you can turn your focus on gifts, food, and reindeer?
    When these are merely objects that get our mind’s distracted so we veer

    The world’s false impressions that we let bleed into our mind and blot
    A complex reason that draws us to question why we lose our thought
    On a wooden cross that we have replaced with a shiny Christmas tree
    What does Christianity really mean to you and who do you claim to be?

    Our home is meant to be heaven but a winter snow has moved through
    Keeping Santa’s name famous but the glamour’s not enough to compare to You
    Despite the warmth of the season and Christmas cheer this man can bring
    He will never amount to the presence of our One and only Heavenly King

    I can only give my heart away to One man who provides us with salvation
    Although Santa can bring comfort and joy he did not draw out creation
    This Santa figure we recognize will however trigger excitement deep inside
    But we cannot let the reason of Christmas be forgotten or ever try to hide

    For it is understood that Christ is the only one who can take away our sin
    Perform miraculous healings and provide protection from the outside moving
    What can Santa do for our soul and how can he rescue us from our pain?
    When he is a mythical Character that we led people to believe to help sustain
    A hope, a peace, and a comfort during the season that brings us closer as a family
    Never let the world convince you that Santa is better than Jesus who lives in me

    Brett Fletcher 12-23-2011







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    winterkou commented on Why Jesus is Better than Santa?


    We replace a wooden cross with a pine tree and decorate it with shiny balls and garland and colored lights but lose focus on real true staisfaction ,real happiness that fulfills joy in our lives not temporarily joy but eternal joy, eternal truth, the life that promises heaven, promises grace, love and everything this world doesn't not stand for. Everything created , everything we forget on our daily walk was brought into existnce by His hands.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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