Why the Children... ...


Poem Commentary

 This poem is about a true incident that happened just this year 2009,
 my son, a fireman/medic was called on scene, and helped care for
 these small girls.  I thank God they arrived in time to save their lives.
 The father will be away for a very long time.

Why the Children... ...

Three small girls, cry and bleed, by the hands of a father, so needlessly.
So young in age, they don't stand a chance, they don't even get much of a glance,
before the blade strikes again and again. Blood soaked sheets, blankets and all,
even the pillows tell a story to all. With box-cutter in hand, this drug-induced man, flies into
a rage, slashing three small babes, on their face, head, neck and hands.

Finally the deputies arrive on scene, they're able to subdue the father with taser's, I believe.
The paramedics rush in, and what they see; brings tears to their eyes in disbelief.
Who could do this? they don't want to believe, but were told it's the father most definitely.
Seven Months old, so close to death, along with her sisters only three and five years at best.

The police officers, paramedics and firemen too, all said prayers as they rushed and flew,
each cradled a child in their arms so tight, while preparing them for an emergency flight.
They rushed them to the hospital as fast as they could, on this night a miracle would be good.
All the while knowing what lies ahead, each one of these medics may rest their heads.
A job well done, each did their best to save the lives of the innocent.

This is a true story, that happened very recently. My son was one of the medics on scene, that helped care for these children.

By: Mary Eaton

© Copyright 2009 Mareann (UN: mareann52 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.

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HiddenAngel commented on Why the Children... ...


very touchin poem ..made me wish there was more to it almost like reading a book i just couldn't image but i put myself there as if i were a parametic..this poem was touching

tierra7 commented on Why the Children... ...


oh my this is such a sad incident......as a child advocate of many years back...i have seen such shameless pain ignorant parents place upon their children,some children recover..their injuries..others are not quite lucky... its not just the children any more its also our elderly that are bein' exploited..to such cruelty...my heart breaks for them...and my tears are captured there as well...you have no idea how difficult it was to continue to read this piece...((((((((((HUGGZ))))))))) to you Mary for this and your son for bein' the opened soul to heal their wounds..by savin' them from becomin' a statistic.... .this should be read throughout the globe...may there be no more...pain.....to any soul....we all bleed together..Namaste...Terra @}-'-,- (10+ )



Thanks Tierra, I am so happy that you are reading my poetry, please come visit me at my website. I appreciate all your very kind comments, thanks, Mary

mamasan commented on Why the Children... ...


Ah, unfortunately these sad scenes appear too frequently. It is a reflection that something has gone real wrong in our society. These children will need a safe haven and plenty of love and professional counselling to overcome the terror done to them. Their scars may heal but it will take their spirit longer to heal.



You are so right,I just can't understand these kind of things, heartbreaking, Mary

countrypoet commented on Why the Children... ...


As someone,who has survived child abuse myself, I can relate to this poem. It is good that you shared this story and I am glad that the children survived the physical abuse.I pray that God will heal the hearts and minds of these children,remove the emotional and psychological scars from the abuse and give them a safer and happier home .Thank you for sharing this story.Well done!



Thank you very much for reading and commenting on my poem. It is quite a shame, that we must even have to write about such abuse, but the stories must be told to help stop the abuse. Thanks, Mary. Eaton http://mareannspoetry.ning.com

Writer1 commented on Why the Children... ...


There are no words....even for a writer. Too horrendous...yet too common. I grieve the innocent ones lost and the brave paramedics who did their best....I honor your son.



Thank you, I don't know what this world is coming to. Would you please join me on my web site/ http://mareannspoetry.ning.com

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Mareann’s Poems (105)

Title Comments
Title Comments
When Faith Matters 2
You Are My Inspiration 1
Nothing Is So Beautiful As Spring 2
My Love Song To You 1
Memories of Your Smiling Face 4
Bedtime Stories (Lyrics) 1
Loving Nature One Moment At A Time 2
First Kiss 4
Gonna Get Ya, Sooner Or Later 2
Do You Still Want Me 7
She Smiles He Smiles 3
You Are In My Heart 5
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The Morning After... 5
What We Make of It ... 5
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Sunshine and Lollypops 3
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Secret Lovers 4
Screaming Love ( Song Lyric's ) 4
Feeling Blue 5
Of All My Dreams 3
Hey Girl 3
Miracles 1
Lay Me Down ..... ( New Song Lyric's ) 4
Of All My Dreams 5
She Whispers 2
Longing For More 4
Dreaming My Life Away 6
Dreamy Eyes 2
Taste of Love 6
Remembering 6
When the Earth Shakes 3
Dreams 9
God and Me 6
I Surrender 5
Dance with Me 6
Just Go ... 5
Scent of a woman 14
Loving You 4
Lady Luck 7
Last Moonlight Walk 2
Morning's Dew 1
Last Chance For Love 1
Sweet Innocence 3
A Little Jazz 3
Just Tell Me 3
Chasing Butterflies 3
He Sang Me A Love Song 1
Tenderly 1
Twelve Tacky Women 3
The Promise Ring 5
My Love For you 2
Remember 6
Time 5
Alone With You 7
The Child Inside 5
Shattered Dreams 8
Honey 4
First Love 6
Little Blue Eyed Girl 4
To See You Just Once More 9
Sundown Saloon 4
Night Train 3
The Light Within 10
If I Looked At You.. 2
Goldfish 1
A Hair Stylists Nightmare 2
The Way I Feel Tonight 2
A Cold Winters Night 2
Girls Night Out 1
Winter Mornings 1
A Dying Soldier's Prayer 2
Love On The Haystack 4
Midnight- Lace 3
Elves Are Scary 1
Crossing The Bridge 2
Run - Turkey - Run 6
Cotton - Eyed - Joe 4
Poets Against War 7
Froggy 6
Love Your Children... 5
Love That lies Within 4
No More War 8
Passionate Kisses 4
Diamonds are not forever 3
It's a New Day 7
R-A-P-E-D 10
Father Will You Forgive Me? 1
Our Hero Came Home Today 4
I Saw an Angel Yesterday 3
I Share My Love with You... 4
Whispers 5
Put a Little Love in Your Heart 5
Gentle Kisses 8
One Soldiers' Prayer 4
Military Babies 3
Chard's Summit 1
In My Dreams 1
Angelic Whispers 4
Friends and Lovers 6
Why the Children... ... 10
Sleeping With Angels 12