What We Make of It ...


Poem Commentary

Rather than simply complaining, let's all learn to make a difference...... Become A world Changer.... Live for PEACE!

What We Make of It ...


 Therefore, you believe life has treated you unfair

Well let me tell you this… Who ever told ya?

 It would be a piece of cake, lied to you,

 that‘s the one you should hate

Nobody comes into this world, better than the next

We each have to earn our way, through those pearly gates

So you have issues, come talk to me, I’ll tell you stories

They aren’t going to be pretty, I can guarantee you that if

You think those boys, shipped overseas, legs blown off

Have to crawl on their knees, really believe that should

Have been their destiny….


Well think again, my friend, I got news for you

While you sit around, crying in your soup, sucking up

All the sympathy you can get… life goes on, people are dying

There is hunger all around us…


Homeless, helpless sick and poor, addiction, affliction, so much more

We all have choices we can make, get up do something, before it’s too late

Let’s join hands take a stand, make a difference in this great land

Cross the bridge one by one, what we make of it, can be done


So much anger you carry in your heart, I’m not saying it’s all your fault

I’d just like to see you put it away, Or use it in a more positive way…

You can let that hatred eat you alive, one day soon, you won’t survive…

Or you can turn it all around, make a difference that is profound…

Become a world changer, you just might see, a world come together

Existing in PEACE!


~ Mary Eaton ~

© Copyright MAE 2010


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BoSweets commented on What We Make of It ...


Homeless, helpless sick and poor, addiction, affliction, so much more~ wow what a shaking wake up and reminder that can be worse if we sit and let things consume us. I needed this. Thanks Mary

Marsink commented on What We Make of It ...


This call to action is what I need to carry in my heart--the willingess to serve those in need, and carrying with me, things they hunger for. If there is no bridge where there is a need to cross, then one by one, we must become part of that bridge. Applause building!!



Thanks so much for reading and caring enough to comment... Please come visit our bridge... www,marysbridge.org Love & Peace, Mary

mpjtforever commented on What We Make of It ...


truelly inspiring. no truer words have been spoken. I love that you are so positive. so much negativity in a world full of hate, when all you have to do is look within and see the beauty. please read my stories and poems and tell me what you think. once again I love this wirte. your friend Jodi.



Thank you very graciously Jodi... And absolutely I will visit your page and read your work, my pleasure for sure. Blessings, Mary

kdarcy commented on What We Make of It ...


To the point or being an eye opener are both good things, for without those things change never happens. Its nice to just wake a few people along the way, be well



Thank you very much for reading and commenting on my poem, Thank you, Mary

angel33614 commented on What We Make of It ...


truely beautiful and inspiring work my dear friend, bravo! This poem sould be the opening to the bridge. After reading this poem I have a even greater appreciation for the siet and the work you are trying to do, it is pure grace under fire! The first truth of Buddism says "Life is difficult", I am not buddist but have found a wealth of knowlegde and wisdom in this three simple words. Why is it people have the illusion that life is suppose to be perfect? Everytimes something bad happens people tend to blame everyone and everybody but themselves, people never want to take responsibility. Sure not every fault is out own, but it is our choice on how we precieve and interpret it, whether i be positive or negative. Many things we do not have the power to change, people, circumstances, our environment, etc. The one thing we can control and change is our selves and how we interact with others and the world around us. If one just comes to the realization that life is difficult, than everything just seems a little easier when you don't always expect for things to be perfect. A great man once said, "the only thing I know for certain is that I know nothing, the only thing worth knowing is thyself, and it is a life long goal". The moral of this quote has many menaings but the one I will mention that applies here, is that the only thing we truely have the power to change is ourselves. Why be the victim when you can bring real change in the world, if only we can change ourselves fro the better, have a more postive outlook, this can spread like wild fire to those around us, energy is transferred through us in more ways than one can imagine. A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step as such the way to chnage the world starts with one person, ourselves... Awesome and very thought provoking write! Purity of the soul, journey well!!! with grace and humility ANGEL aka The poem buster



Thank you warmly Angel, After re-reading my poem, i began to think maybe it was too harsh, but then it would allow the reader to get and understand my real message. Which is, we all hurt and we all have worrries, always have always will, but in order to grow, we must lose the give me sympathy ideas, and use our pain and sorrow to ease the suffering of another. If we all just tried a little harder, to make this a better world, then in time, we would see significant changes for the better. Time is running out, we need to take a stand, or forever we will regret it... Lide is only as good as we allow it to be.... Thans for reading and commenting Angel, surely do appreciate it... Kindness & friendship, Mary

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

Mareann’s Poems (105)

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