where you going


  • Love

    Poem Commentary

    I wrote this for my one true love.

    where you going

    where you going baby?
    Don't leave me baby!
    Your eyes are so blue!
    My love is so true!
    Don't break my heart apart.

    Be with me forever baby!
    Don't ever say maybe!
    Maybe we can have a baby!
    I love you baby!
    We can have a brand new day!

    Let me know you love me baby!
    We can look at the morning sunrise
    and the ocean so salty baby.
    I really love you baby.
    You're my everything!

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    Worthless commented on where you going


    This one's alright too. But I hope you know exactly what your feeling and I hope you know it ain't right to bring a child into this world if your on drugs. That should be your first priority is to get off drugs and stay off drugs.

    NenaT commented on where you going


    This could be a rock song, baby....Lol...did it impress your true love?



    in the key of h minor

    Oblaidon commented on where you going


    Well it rhymes..................................................



    Thank you for liking my poems. I try to make them rhyme because rhyming is important in poems! This is a luv poem about my baby!

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    masterpoet’s Poems (10)

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