heroin my heroin


  • Happiness

    heroin my heroin

    though I was a lost world hated
    you came along smiling underrated
    promised i didn`t have to have a care
    in the world except you in my dank underwear

    you caught my attention
    I couldn`t help but follow
    the needles spiny poke
    was a little hard to swallow
    but i made it

    You`re my heroin
    I need you to talk to you to need you
    love you like my loins falling in love with a lamb
    who ever takes you from me
    has to answer to me!

    I want to protect you It`s my new job
    I can`t quit you
    if I did I would lose myself again
    to pain and sorrow of living
    and you thought if you must
    leave well I`ll let
    you but please don`t
    I love you heroin
    merry me!

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    Worthless commented on heroin my heroin


    I won't say its good at all because drugs especially heroin is the worst and no body should do them! It's called self control and self respect which i beleive drug addicts have none of. They are trying to find a form of love into forgetful memories and regretful lust. If you were writing about nature or riding bikes or working kids or family friends or even strangers then maybe i would approve. But i think drugs are retarted and the people who do them are even worse. The fact remains is the drug of choice only makes you feel good for the time being then it wears off and the feelings get worse day after day and in the mean time you hurt the people who really care for you especially kids that look up to you and all your doing is letting them know it's ok and its just a chain reaction... I can't tell you or anyone else what to do for that matter but I bet you have a job and a home and people to help you out? It never fails honest hard working sober people like me always compete and lose against people like you!!!! I hate life but no matter how worse my days get I NEVER subject myself to that kind of low....

    litldeer commented on heroin my heroin


    This is excellent. I can't wait to read more of your poetry. Take a look at my stuff. I write a lot about heroin and addiction, as I've been down that road. Thanks for this write. It hit me hard.

    dahlusion commented on heroin my heroin


    You have a talent for pedestrian-like rhymes: simple, clear, and easy to follow, but then you abandon the rhyming treatment half way through, however, the message this piece is wanting to convey is neither useful or use-able for most readers: "merry" spells "marry", that is if this is about vows; and thank you for your poetic effort and for posting.

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    masterpoet’s Poems (10)

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