It's me


Poem Commentary

If you'all would focus on me and let me know how great I am and involve yourself in everything that i do and think and Let me tell you what's on my mind, then you would have to think about how disappointed you are that you aren't me.   Cause I'm me!  and I'm really great!  Cause I'm me!  C'mon focus on me for a while.

It's me

Hey it's me and i'm really great
I write about me so don't you all hate
I'm really cool now I'm going off to school hun
so let me show you what its all about the fun
I do a lotta neat things, I'm number one so far
I gotta bunch of neat friends, I drive a neat car!
I'm gonna be number one someday
cause I'm a number one me moving force
Gimme a neat call on my really neat phone
As long as you think about me, you won't be alone
Let me be your teller, let me be your right
I'm saucy and clever so don't say goodnight
I'll be yer guru and I'll be yer shrink
focus on me and you won't haveto think
Well you can think, that's okay
but think about me every day
So me me me me me me me
and a me me me me me me me

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Tempy commented on It's me


so this is about how if people are paying attention to you your more inspired and encouraged to write more and improve cos you start to look forward to the next thing you write?? I can see why people can make or break us and our motivation can be halted with critism so every nice thing said helps you become better and want to be better and even learn to not listen to people who like to put people down. its not narsisitic at all you never came across as angry or even selfish just absorbed and reason seems good if thats how we grow :) take care and ignore stupid people rise above it and write anyway cos ppl will try to stop people just ignore them laugh at them even agree with them but dont continue the argument just keep posting and know you can :)



tanx itsa good poem

JadedJezzabel commented on It's me





thank you for liking a very good poem!

Oblaidon commented on It's me


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha You got it rigth Lightcourier

lightcourier commented on It's me


This is a very interesting piece of narcissistic crap!



what narcistic?



Heyyy...don't hate... cause its not all about

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

masterpoet’s Poems (10)

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