

  • Anger
  • ,
  • Sadness

    Poem Commentary

    Watch out for those who say they are your friends, they just want you when they want you otherwise u are nuthin,  word.


    They act like your friends to the very ends
    but then they laugh hard when your not around
    and they kick u down and they punch you
    like your a clown in the circus in a little car
    they they smile or want you to be there friend
    they trick you when the old man comes around
    they can't be found but they want tou to get their back
    then they attack not good enuf for them
    but there just worried about themselves
    and they put you on a shelf when its convienient
    they dont know what you ve gone through
    they just care about themselves
    and they don't want you for a friend to the very end!

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    Worthless commented on stabntheback


    That's the way life is everyone is out for themselves and themselves only. No one cares for others or even strangers. The whole world is to blame for that. One fact remains, you'll be lucky if you have 1 friend at the very end till death. That's what my dad always told me. So the best thing to do is to never get close and always be prepared for the heart break and distance from your so called friends which are always aquaintances and you'll never set yourself up for unbearable pain... Strength is what you will always gain and another clue to life's fucked up game.

    Tempy commented on stabntheback


    sounds like a few people i know. shame i can't get off this shelf and play these words to them over and over again

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    masterpoet’s Poems (10)

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