


to these barest partoniums bled
all size of crowded and bursted red
the lays of felicious sentitude
come speed into this interlude
but all the strong wine leaves no doubt
for many parcels the soldiers rout
and find they feel the same in jest
whether slack keyed bass or similar vest

or whether the kind is up to fast
or maybe the weeds have come to test
the cryolinen beast of pain
that crawls beside the horses mane
of silent whispering climbing sea
of dekard limping pointists fee
until the ship calls firing guns
can take a bilge for fluid sons.

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Tempy commented on delpartatum


its your poem, its only sposed to make sense to you, so well done i think it was sounding rather hypnotic in the sense all reality was covered in distraction

lightcourier commented on delpartatum


This doesn't even make sense! Sounds interesting though. BTW what the ....partonium, felicious, sentitude, cryolinen, dekard....are not even words in the dictionary! If nonsense was what you were trying to say, you said it. Otherwise...

WordSlinger commented on delpartatum


This is great. It reminds me of sailors of to war. It also reminds me of a man hurting over a lost love, and taking a journey to forget.

JadedJezzabel commented on delpartatum


sounds like you had something to say...........and you did but there was more that you didn't say but wanted you were not quite finished but was holding back for some unknown reason.....not an alltogether bad thing for a poet to do sometimes.

Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

masterpoet’s Poems (10)

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