What’s Life About?


What’s Life About?

Life, life, life, life! What’s it about life?
Is it about the strongest and the fittest in this world to survive?
Or is it about fulfilling our necessities and relying on Christ?
In this life, there are things we must realize,
So let me be concise about life, life, life, life.

Is it times when we hang out with friends,
is it laughter, is it moaning, and is it crying that usually makes us look tense?
Is it a time to celebrate, is it a time to enjoy, is it cheerfulness, or looking at someone in their eyes?

Life is not a respecter of man, for we are not in control of it,
we do the things that we understand, because that’s how we see it.

Your life can tell by your actions, so what we do can tell who we are,
so let us all remember the big man for he is near and far.

He is God, He is God, He is God, and what can we say?
without him we cannot go a long way,
so let him take control of our lives,
for what we know to do is strive to survive;
We all need to know that we are on earth for a time,
to live a life, not commit crime;

What we should realized and don’t forget,
that the final state in life on earth is death,
so let us all put our trust and have faith in God,
even as small like a mustard seed,
because he is the one that can save us all,
and indeed with him we will succeed.

That is what life is all about,
living it the fullest, with God,
the creator of the universe,
we should live right,
let it be as treasure in our sight.

Here is the thing we must understand,
and this we must keep in mind,
that life is not a respector of man.

All this are part of life,
with God we would survive,
that is what life is about.

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Buzzyboy’s Poems (39)

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