I Used To Be That Person


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    I Used To Be That Person

    I used to be that person, a person who’s soft on anything,

    Who makes his friends treats him like unreal human beings.

    A person who lets his friends influence him in the wrong way,

    Not once but almost everyday,

    That would often being led to pessimistic views and has nothing to say,

    But keep on perceiving it negativity anyway.

    A person that do not care about the advantages his friends had on him that one can see,

    Because he weren’t the persons he’s suppose to be.

    All that was reflecting on me,

    I used to be that person; I used to let it be,

    Sadly it was and sadly I can see.

    I was weak in words and actions,

    Weak in the way I think, and my motive,

    Not taking on my responsibilities,

    Weak in my reactions, not asking questions,

    And always contemplate on taking actions,

    but not of the best of my abilities.

    But thank God for my mom,

    Who encourages me to stand firm.

    I have been meditating on her words “Be a leader not a follower, and stand strong;”

    She said to me “son, I know you have a mind of your own,

    And you will have to work with it whenever to leave home,

    You got to stand for what is right,

    Don’t let your friends play with it like stone.

    They might throw words after words on you,

    But it is up to you to step up for what you do.

    I know you think of being optimistic in what you do or say,

    But don’t let your friends take that away,

    Drowning you it deep waters.

    Where you thoughts are limited, making you think it don’t matters,

    It is, and it will always be,

    So son please hear me speak; I’m making it clear so you can see.

    You have to fight your own battle,

    I cannot do it for you,

    I can only help you to settle, and fill comfortable,

    In the right way, the way to guide you,

    You got to stand on your own, and make the right decision.

    The choice is yours; it could be confusion,

    But don’t let it be, stand up, fight like a man,

    Don’t let your friends lead you wrong,

    Come on, you can do it stand strong.

    Don’t let your friends bring you down and treat you like dirt,

    Because, truly, and graciously, you are not;

    Son be what you can be, a wise and sensible person,

    A person with respect, and authority, a magnificent person,

    An intelligent, elegant, educated, successful, a strong figure,

    A wise man, son you are a leader!

    Be who you are stand for what you believe.

    And what you can achieve,

    Son you’re a gift from God, let go and let God,

    Strength comes from above,

    Let him work in you with his grace and love.”

    I was touched and strengthen by her sayings which were relevant.

    These words were not only an encouragement,

    but a supporter and a life enhancement.

    It helped me define who I am today,

    A leader in everything I do and say.

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

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