By Faith we must live


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    By Faith we must live

    When we are in the midst of trials, sickness, suffering and even dying,

    we can be confident that God is still with us, that he cares for us,

    he has everything under control so we can put our trust in him.

    He can and does redeem any situation and that’s a plus,

    We can be confident that he loves us, He has earned our trust,

    So let us be wise, and have faith in Jesus Christ.

    Faith is belief with strong conviction,

    Complete trust, opposite of doubt, believing in Christ commission.

    The simplest explanation is that having faith is trust.

    We trust God to take care of us,

    to do good for us rather than evil, to give us eternal life,

    so we should not idle, grow in faith to survive,

    and be spiritually feed with the holy bible.

    Those who do not have faith cannot see past the physical world around them,

    They are limited by their temporal circumstances, and are blind to what God is doing.

    But those who open their spiritual eyes can see the spiritual realities which transcend this world.  Their hope is in God’s strength and in His faithfulness to them it is pure gold,

    Their trust and confidence will make them whole.

    Praying without faith is like sleep walking in the day,

    blind and walking without recognizing the way.

    But when we pray we got to believe and obey,

    for true faith lies within our heart, and in our mind it should stay.

    for this is faith, oh this is faith, yes this is faith,  by faith we must live.

    Faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of the things not seen,

    you cannot have one without the other, for confidence it brings,

    For faith is what enables our healing.

    The confidence, the certainty, and the assurance, is faith substance,

    the “essence” or “reality” believing in His presence,

    for faith treats things hope for as reality, and makes you shine for the world to see.

    For this is faith, oh this is faith, yes this is faith, by faith we must live.

    True faith is shown by action. What we do shows what we really believe.

    Behavior can be evidence of faith, in relevant to the life that we live.

    Evidence is the doings, the “proof” or conviction,”

    for faith itself proves that what is unseen is real, and not fiction.

    Faith means we cannot see the outcome; we are not sure what lies ahead,

    but we are convinced of the reality of God the one who is not the tail but the head.

    For our ways should be His ways and only He can tell,

    and say “ your faith has made you well.”

    In all of this, in the faith that we want,

    Is to hear his words, “well done good and faithful servant.”

    So let us walk in faith and not by sight,

    and to men, shine our light, nor dull, nor dim, but bright,

    and in God we make things right. 

    for this is faith, oh this is faith, yes this is faith,  by faith we must live.

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    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

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