The Opera, my experience, was amazing!


The Opera, my experience, was amazing!

The Opera, my experience, was amazing!

When I first entered the auditorium, the first thing that caught my eyes was the texture and the color of its interior.

The gold and red sparkling colors of the interior makes the auditorium feels exciting and seems brighter.

Sitting at the upper rear corner, the view of the performances and the sounds of music were clearer than clear.

The whole setting of the orchestra, the stage, the music, and characters made my experience a blessing a good thing to bear.

Truly the Opera was amazing. I was able to experience talents in a way I never did before.

From where I was at the upper rear corner, I was able to see every person and instruments in the orchestra that put out a great show.

The Orchestra contains four basic groups of musical instruments: strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussions.

The arrangements of these instruments were all categorized in their related group and stations.

I observed that the string instruments like the violin gave the main melody of a song,

and that the double bass often set the mood in rebound.

I also observed that the woodwinds also helped gave the melody, and noticed that the brass instruments set either a happy mood or a mood that shows power remarkably.

I also observed that the percussion set multiple moods like revenge, power, or a stormy weather,

the transitions and melodies of the music were very effective when combine together.

I was able to make out the moods of the play just by listening to how the music was played. The music played in both a minor and major scale. Like in a storm scene, the percussion: the bass drum, set the scene by its deep and heavy sound,

and was fast at times and slow at times as it echos around.

The sound effect set the mood as the characters performed. From that experience I had learned the effectiveness of music and how it foreshadows stories of all formed.

Another form of music that caught my attention rather than the instruments being played was the sound in songs of great voices. Singing and ringing! The pitch and tone of the voices, I can easily recognized and offer great choices, to be able to tell a high note from a low note and the interval of any two notes, what some great surprises.

I were surprised to see the many talents that were exposed to me. Everybody that participated sang beautifully.

Like the instruments, their voices harmonized and set the mood.

The whole play was set to music which I found interesting and gave me the chance to think and meditate on the characters and their very reaction pertaining to the tone of the music all I could.

Another thing that amazed me was how the play was put about, how a particular character was able to blend their voices with the music and provide sweet melodies with their mouth;

and how they would sing and act at the same time. My, my, my, that experience grants me a wonderful time.

While the music and the performances kept me awake, it allowed me to gives in my opinion about the characters that I intake.

One of the main factors that brought light towards the characters and their performances, were the background of each scenes. Beautiful as it is a setting that related the mood of the play to the mood of the characters. It gave viewers a reason to think what might happen in the next scene, as scene catchers.

The most important, it gave viewers the insight of where it was taking place.

That shows that everything in the Opera has a meaning and a purpose in it fantastic taste.

However, the characters are really the one who brought the scenes into light. This shows how the characters performances were vital to the viewers because it tells who they really are without a fight, clarifying points after points and ideas after ideas.

The fact that it was performed in Italian makes it very interesting and the characters were very entertaining, helped me to realized what talent in music was all about.

In the Opera, I had learned how both the sounds of music and the tones in voices are similar in effect on it viewers, their insight,

and on how they observed and taken the best form the brightest of light

Therefore, my experience at the Opera was remarkable. It brought me joy and happiness because I was able to experienced talents a way I never did before. For Sure! Thanks for what it does.

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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

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