The Drive to success


The Drive to success

Wisdom, knowledge and understanding,

Play a major role in our gaining, and giving,

It is a wish, a gift, a part of life, anyone hope to win,

A vital need to our being, that brings success within,

Within our strength, our mind, and hearts to gain;

A process that need to be reign in our society,

A choice we hope to gain in our community,

A reward that should be fulfill in our country, as it’s as important as it can be.

A gift that is essential to our intelligence,

That could enhance us to prosperity,

A wise and tactful chore to uplift our diligence,

And a heartfelt need that bring clarity,

To the way we live to make decisions, or choices, a true reality.

Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding,

Are essential to one's lives and their gaining,

To make a living, in their doings,

Increasing in their inabilities,

Success, to their minds set capabilities,

Facing ‘reality values’ in the best of their abilities,

Facing any reluctant gene that tended to hamper their stabilities,

In doing their best getting an education, to overcome any calamity,

But putting themselves in position making themselves an availability,

Outreaching the requirements for creditability,

With confidence, readiness, fill with dignity,

Making it an success and a life to be.

Obstacles, may become a distraction,

to learning and mastering an education,

Making your perspectives to success seems like a forbidden solution,

And your motives and dedication, an awful position,

But let it be a drive that could gear up a chance,

Providing a substance, that could reveal to you a successful entrance,

A way to the expressway,

Making your drive a success in all you do and say.

But in a drive for success,

There are accommodations that one may like to express,

Pertaining to a proper education, or a positive recommendation,

Making their move a suggestion,

That could affect their drive for success.

However, being successful fall on where you see yourself in life,

Just like putting yourself in the “fittest to Survive,”

It’s not all reflected on intellectual aspects,

But on your expectation in life,

Education is known as the key to success,

In which our drive for success would survive.

Knowledge is an acquaintance or familiarity with a fact,

There should not be any full-stop.

Wisdom is the quality of being wise,

A power of judgment rightly, following the soundest course of action,

Making your decisions the rightful choice,

Base on knowledge, experience, understanding, sagacity, and erudition.

Understanding is the mental quality,

That could enhance your thoughts to prosperity,

An act, or state of someone who can understand,

And has the power ability to judge, think, and learn,

Increase knowledge, intelligence, sensitivity,

In comprehending in any discernment,

Making your drive for success a commitment,

A drive that is magnificent,

And a proper choice of efficacy, and is sufficient,

In making your way look decent, and coherent;

A drive that can benefit you, mentally, emotionally, physically and even spiritually,

A choice you want it to be.

A way that give access,

For it is the drive to success.

Remember wisdom, knowledge, and understanding,

Begins by the fearing of the lord, for success,

Sources in which our life are pending,

In which we must express, for success.

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nickyssecrets commented on The Drive to success


Very well put! Thank you for sharing!

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Buzzyboy’s Poems (39)

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