It is only you to pace to win the race


It is only you to pace to win the race

It is only you to pace to win the race.
Growing up, the phrase “life is not a respecter of man,”
always challenged me in my endeavors in life,
then I took it into consideration making it part of me.
To me, the phrase is quite clear that there will be many challenges
one may encounter when accomplishing their goals in life
and would not be able to control,
but there are ways to beat this challenges
and make it a positive thing in your life,
and it will only take you to fight your battles,
only you to seek that whatever you may challenged would be temporary,
only you to bring about positive changes to the negatives that may come your way.
To reach a certain level in life, we have to think a certain way,
and being optimistic is the way,
It is very vital and essential; another is seeking to move forward, and not turning back.
In this perspective, I always encouraged others to hope for the best in life, it might not be the way they expected,
but whatever touching the main switch in your life,
let be a touch to success.
Step on your gas; be a leader not a follower where living your life is concern,
that is, it is only you to reach to high places, it is only you to make it happen,
only you can understand the choices and decisions you made in life, but considered “life is not a respecter of man,” when creating your plans.
It is up to you to see that your plans in life prosper effectively.
Take it from me; we’ll make mistakes and dumb choices;
let’s look for positive advice, let us seek for the best. Know who your friends are, know yourself first, know where you stand,
because it is you and only you to make your living a worthwhile living, it might take you a while but don’t give up, keep moving forward,
pace to win the race, the race is yours, not someone else’s.

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Buzzyboy’s Poems (39)

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